Removing or BLOCKING??

on 7/8/15 4:35 am

I read the original thread and I feel you are overreacting. 

As you stated, you are in the research stage of WLS. Your understanding of postop life is limited. Some of us, such as myself, experience vomiting as a regular occurrence of our life. It happens. We move on. Being ignorant of this experience, you provided extreme advice, which Kim pointed out. It wasn't an attack on you personally, but how a vomiting episode is not cause for the ER. 

You can dwell on a supposed "attack" on you, or use it as your first learning opportunity of postop life. This is an international site and people communicate in different ways. Don't assume people who are direct are out to get you. If you block everyone who doesn't respond in the way you prefer, you are going to miss out on valuable advice and knowledge. 

RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

Mary Gee
on 7/7/15 9:51 pm, edited 7/7/15 9:52 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

You make an excellent point, Jen.  Unfortunately, vets are often called out as "meanies".  They don't stick around looking for people to attack or be rude to.  Rather, they are here to "pay it forward" -- because they want other people to succeed and reach their goal.  They share valuable information and advice.  As some have pointed out, you can't hear of person's tone of voice or see facial expressions on-line.

Many people, when they find a new site, lurk for a while before joining in.  It gives them an opportunity to learn about the site.  I am still in the "honeymoon" stage of surgery -- a long, long way from being considered a vet.  I can't tell you how much I have learned on this site, and how much support I have received, from newbie and vets alike.

I don't block people.  There are some posters that really irritate me, and I seldom will respond to their posts.  But.....I have also learned from things they have posted.  You have to take it all with a grain of salt.  I've been called out myself for things I've posted... and I'm a nice person, really, I am!

WLS is not all rainbows and unicorns!!  



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








Oxford Comma Hag
on 7/8/15 5:23 am

Block or do not, as you will. Starting a thread to rehash the incident seems a bit much, though. 

We are all too diverse to get along all the time. If my initial reaction is that someone is an asshole, I try to figure out why I thought that. If I blocked everyone I thought made a questionable comment, I would have quite a few blocked and I would be sitting and reading the same ol' stuff. 


I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 7/8/15 6:42 am

Thank you all for the input, all of your comments were taken into consideration even after I made the decision to follow the initial advice. 

I'm humbled by all of the respondents and realize that I'm hypersensitive and anxious (5days tip RNY), baring my own thresholds I will continue to support others, gain insight, and share while using this as a teachable moment. 


Have a great day've all proven that this site may be more of a "need" than just a "want" because all I wanted was to talk to folks going through the process but I see (in a very short timespan) that y'all might be a necessity. Ttyl 


on 7/8/15 7:50 am

I have had to block a few too.  For the first year, I read what they posted but at some point, what was being "put into the [emotional] coffer" was much less than what was being taken out.

I have struggled/struggle with anxiety too [as well as food addiction].  I don't think most people can appreciate how heavily "the unknown" weighs upon us.  Will this person be mean/difficult today? Will I do everything right at work? Will my boss/customer yell at me?  Am I meeting professional, social, and marital expectations? What am I going to do if I am not!?!?

Are you a ruminator (i.e. replay situations/cir****tances over and over, trying to figure out where you went wrong or HOW to make it better)?  I am.   I have found for inner peace, I give myself a few mental "replays" with the consistently difficult person. If I cant figure out where I have erred [or their difficult behavior is on them], I have no choice but to block them. My inner peace/sanity/time is priceless to me. 

The best way to get of the mental merry-go-round is to NOT get on it in the first place.


RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  
