Charity for weight loss surgery

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 7/5/15 7:34 pm - OH

Oh, what a witty retort!  How will I ever go on after that...?

You haven't even BEEN her long enough to have any idea of how, or how often, I use it. 

14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 7/5/15 8:22 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

(deactivated member)
on 7/9/15 7:40 am

I will tell you Lora and Laura are great assets to this forum. They both are not only educated but they are good people. I think it was uncalled  for you to comment about the PhD. 

I don't have a PhD. I am not dumb by any means. The people here want people to do well with WLS. They want to help. 

Maybe you should contact a reality Tv. show and they could help you. 

on 7/5/15 8:40 pm

She's just saying "Bless your heart".  

on 7/5/15 10:12 pm

I didn't mean to issue a blanket statement. I can tell that a lot of the senior members were genuinely trying to offer her good advice, but honestly some comments were just mean!  I read through all the comments and I was a bit taken a back to be honest, she asked for advice because she doesn't have health insurance and feels she needs weight loss surgery. Yes, she herself made some rude replies...but anyone can tell it's because she felt attacked. I just have empathy for her situation that's all. I don't feel that anyone should be shown that type of judgement. I understand most of us did wait long periods of time before having surgery due to insurance/financial issues, but why should some people say I hope you don't get approved, or you're just looking for a hand out? Some people are unfortunately in a situation where I make too much money for assistance ie; medicaid, yet too little to afford insurance. Sorry if my comment upset was not my intention! I think this site is very encouraging ( usually ) and full of information!


RNY 4-27-15    Dr. Schauer    Cleveland Clinic               


Oxford Comma Hag
on 7/6/15 2:35 pm

Personal responsibility is a key component of success, post WLS. Hopping online and immediately asking for information on charity programs comes across as someone who is looking for the easiest route possible and not as someone who is willing to do the hard work it takes.

There are no independently wealthy folks here, so we all know what it is like to have to budget and plan for a major expenditure. There are people here who went to great effort to help themselves. The OP, whether she meant to or not, seems like someone wanting something for nothing. That type of special snowflake behavior doesn't play well with most people. As Mo said, people value things more when they had to expend some effort for them. We all have skin in the game--why shouldn't she?

And for the record, I have been without health insurance and did not qualify for Medicaid or anything else (back before the Affordable Care Act). It is a ****ty situation, but even when I had to chose between medical care for my son and the light bill, I didn't try to put the touch on a bunch of strangers.


I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 7/4/15 8:43 pm

Your post made me cry. Thanks so much !  I appreciate your kindness 

on 7/4/15 9:30 pm - Vancouver, WA

Just a word of caution about research hospital surgeries many of these are surgeries that are being tested to see if they work. They are in the research phase of the surgeries so you may or may not get a good surgery that works.

There are many new and different types of surgeries being tested all the time but a great many prove to not be successful or can even be harmful in the long run. They are just now learning that the lapband is very unsuccessful and causes a great deal of harm to some people. For some of them the damage is life long and can't be fixed and they do seem to work for some. However at the time many of us got them we were told they were the safest thing around as far as surgery went.

Anyway just wanted you to be aware so you can make a good choice in surgery type so you can have a successful journey if you are able to get into one of these programs. I would imagine they also have very long waiting lists since there are many people seeking this type of surgery.

on 7/4/15 9:34 pm

Thank you!  Yes, I have a friend who had serious complications from the band.  I'm interested in the sleeve and no experimental things.  One facility I called about doesn't go by first come first serve.  It's a random computer pick each month and the doctor does several per month so it could be a long wait or a very short one.   

on 7/4/15 9:50 pm
VSG on 06/19/15

And just as a bit of useful information, not that you care, but I do have healthcare through the exchange and my surgery was covered. I'm a single mom with a single income. I waited almost 10 years to finally have coverage. You really have to be mindful of who does your surgery and where it is done. Also, what is the protocol if there are complications? Is the surgeon gonna cover the hospital stay, tests, and medications? Some people have had to be admitted for weeks and sometimes even a couple of months. This is a major surgery that carries a lot of risks. I would just be prepared. 
