Charity for weight loss surgery

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 7/4/15 5:54 pm - OH

I see that you've read "How to Win Friends and Influence People"...  

Not a good start here, I'm afraid, when you are rude to people who genuinely try to be helpful regarding the forum "culture".


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Oxford Comma Hag
on 7/4/15 1:38 pm

Nope, my insurance was pretty good as insurance goes. Asking us--when we all had to shift for ourselves--for recommendations on how to get something for free that we had to pay for IS begging. There are plenty of single parents and other people with financial concerns who managed.

Shame on YOU for coming here expecting a free lunch (pun intended). I see oncology patients who cannot afford all of their treatment and do not qualify for help. They aren't whining.

Why in **** should you get surgery for free?! You are no better than anyone else.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 7/4/15 1:40 pm

You seem pretty grouchy :)

on 7/7/15 9:27 pm - WA

Wow - all she did was come here for information. I feel sorry that you feel a need to degrade someone who is trying to find a way to improve her health.

I will not allow doubt to force its way into my mind, for I know that I am bound to succeed. Each mistake that I may make will bring me precious knowledge.   Paul Bragg 
Oxford Comma Hag
on 7/7/15 9:54 pm


The OP wants her surgery for free. Her whole approach is that she should get a free ride. Why? Had she asked about how to get coverage, I would have responded in a different way. I know a good bit about insurance, and I would have given her solid information. Instead, as a brand new member,she wants info on how to get it for free.

There are people here who are in similar straits, and others who have insurance but not for wls. There are people who would like to revise from the band but cannot because their insurance will not pay. There are still more people who self paid. 

I know better than some how disheartening it is to be fat, unhealthy, and broke. But I also believe in personal responsibility. Joining a site and immediately asking how to get surgwry for free--when so many others have been working toward surgery and waiting--is repugnant to me.

Even the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation, which IS a charitable organization, expects grant recipients to make some contribution.

Frankly, I do not care a jot what your opinion is of me. The OP has told us she also does not give a jot for our opinions, so I'd say it all came out in the wash.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 7/6/15 9:25 am - Joppa, MD

" I still wanna try this on my own cause just eating less is what the surgery is about anyway. "

I doubt you will see this since you probably left after this thread. However, out of all the things you have posted the above line is the one thing I really have issue with. It tells me you are not ready.

Eating less is not what the surgery is about. It's part of it. Top 5 probably. No matter the surgery you are simply given a tool that allows you to eat less. You can eat around any of the surgeries one small bite at a time. I had RNY so I eat less and I am one of the ones who has a reaction to sugar. But I can eat a couple of oreos an hour. And by the end of the day be looking at an empty package.

Dealing the things that make you want to eat more or why you make the choices of fattening foods is really one of the biggest parts of this journey for a lot of folks. Not everyone, granted. But more than a few.

And that is for any of the WLS surgeries. Whether you get it for free or you pay cash to the world's most respected bariatric surgeon and get a suite at the hospital.


on 7/7/15 9:09 pm - WA

There is no need to defend yourself for asking questions in a place that you felt safe to do so. Not everyone can get "Obamacare". Case in point is me. Because I have Medicare which does not pay for Bariatric surgery I am not eligible for "Obamacare." I instead joined a FREE program where I have learned to eat differently, exercise as is safe for me, and have met many people who are supportive and non-judgmental. There are members who have had bariatric surgery and just want to live a healthy lifestyle to keep the weight off. If anyone is interested check out Live Fit Revolution. I lost 100lbs by following the program.  

I will not allow doubt to force its way into my mind, for I know that I am bound to succeed. Each mistake that I may make will bring me precious knowledge.   Paul Bragg 
Oxford Comma Hag
on 7/9/15 7:22 am
Medicare does cover bariatric surgery. Some Medicare replacement plans do not.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

on 7/4/15 1:09 pm

To the people making jokes, how old are you? I thought this was a support forum. What the heck?   I know two surgeons who work with teaching hospitals who do this surgery but unfortunately you have to live in the state they are in and I'm in a neighboring state.  I found this on my own without the help of this forum.  It's too bad that new people get treated like this.   I'm out.  You guys should remember there is actually a person behind the post.  


Nic M
on 7/4/15 1:12 pm

I don't see anyone making jokes about your situation at all. Which posts are you referring to, please? 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI

