Here it comes: B*TCHFest!

(deactivated member)
on 7/2/15 12:30 am

People who post, not just here, but everywhere, using only lower case letters and absolutely no punctuation! Texting seems to be ruining the art of written communication among the younger sets.

People who are *****y just for the sake of being *****y. I get it, I do, but please keep it to yourself or keep it private among your friends.

on 7/2/15 10:27 am
RNY on 02/09/15

The filthy, littering, noisy, vandalizing SKATEBOARD PUNKS that hang out in the parking garage at work after hours.  They will ruin, destroy or damage anything they can get their hands on to build their little ramps to play on.  They leave huge piles of junk food cups and wrappers and drug paraphernalia behind for us to clean up every morning.  They urinate and defecate in the corners (ewwwww!).  

And if you catch them there and say anything, you can expect your car to be keyed the next day.  

GOAL REACHED! 170 lbs lost...

RNY: 2/9/15 (age 52), Ht-5'9" HW=304, SW=292, GW=155, LW=134, CW=147

Mo.1 -29lbs Mo.2 -18lbs Mo.3 -13lbs Mo.4 -11lbs Mo.5 - 14lbs Mo.6 - 10lbs Mo. 7 -11lbs Mo. 8 -9.4lbs

Citizen Kim
on 7/2/15 9:16 am, edited 7/2/15 9:19 am - Castle Rock, CO

Deleted - have to quote for it to make sense!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Citizen Kim
on 7/2/15 4:18 pm - Castle Rock, CO
On July 1, 2015 at 6:53 AM Pacific Time, Bette B. wrote:

Quotes Please animated GIF


"B*TCHFest"  is provided as a public service to those of us who have gripes and grievances but who (whom?), for whatever reason, lack a regular forum in which to air them. You are welcome to voice any problems - large or small, important, mundane or ridiculous -  that currently have your panties wadded, your shorts frosted and your gears ground. Don't hold them in and risk future medical issues, wrinkles and/or those pesky gray hairs.

ANY and ALL issues that are plaguing you are open for you to voice; there are no "sacred cows." They say that "feelings aren't facts", so if you're feeling it, it's legit to you. NO ONE is allowed to flame a poster for something he or she writes, however commiseration is not only welcomed but encouraged. Please, no personal attacks against other OH members (at least, not by name).

I'll start you off with a few gripes of mine, and you all can join in at any time! No limits - come back as many times as you like!

WARNING! Posts may (and probably will) contain "adult" content and language. Rated TV-MA.

-OMFG! To men of the world: STOP SPITTING ON THE SIDEWALK! It's so ******g disgusting. You want US to swallow what comes out of you, so you can do the same thing.

-Highway maintenance. Does the grass on the median REALLY need to be mowed when it's two inches tall, and do you REALLY need to be doing it in several spots during a week when a lot of people are travelling? It took me an hour and 15 minutes to get to work yesterday - a trip that is, on a good day, 30 minutes.

-On the same note, to asshole drivers: if a sign says "Left lane closed ahead" - DON'T WAIT TIL THE LAST GODDAMN MINUTE to get into the right lane. If you are ten feet from the blockage, don't get pissed when you get flipped off and no one lets you in.

- Yes, 4th of July is this week. But please, can we try to keep the explosions to this weekend? Not every damned day:? I've got a .38 S&W that makes a big bang noise, too. Don't make me come out and play. Jerks.


Okay, everyone. It's your turn.

Those ******** are doing it right Zipper Merging

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 7/2/15 4:33 pm - CA

So this is my first *****Fest, although I am an old timer that doesn't post much. I have to say that this week made me both proud to be an American and really pissed off and disappointed to be an American.

Thrilled about: SCOTUS ruling on Gay marriage


Dumping the atrocity that is the Confederate Flag- the flag that stands for hatred and prejudice. It's about ******g time!

Pissed that for some ******g reason Californians who are supposedly progressive pro environment supporters are SO ****** UP that they let MONSANTO rule their lives.

How is it that 60 COUNTRIES>>>>>SIXTY!- all require GMO labeling and yet CALI******GFORNIA bought into MONSANTOS 46 MILLiON DOLLAR CAMPAIGN OF LIES DECEIT AND BULL****seriously WTF???

Also think it's about time CA (actually SCOTUS) jumps on board the Marijuana train. When you have experts like Sanjay Gupta along with many others and a plethora of stories of therapeutic benefits of a PLANT, then I think we need to pull our heads out of our collective asses and rethink why it's okay to sell alcohol (zero medical benefits and destroys your liver ,body and brain) and not Marijuana. In fact I would be all for making it legal to sell weed and illegal to sell alcohol - but we all know how that ends.  

And while I'm on a roll.....can we please legalize prostitution, tax it and get healthcare for these women/Men?

It's called the oldest profession in the world for a reason and it isn't going away.

If it were a male dominated profession I have NO DOUBT that it would have been legalized centuries ago. It's a woman's body and her choice to do with it as she ******g wishes. LEGALIZE IT , TAX IT, GIVE THEM MANDATORY HEALTHCARE.

And by decriminalizing both weed and prostitution we can not only boost the state coffers, but we can empty out the jails of the these ""criminals" who harm no one (save themselves- but so do alcoholics) and stop the insanity that is the AMERICAN PRISON INSTITUTION. My God, the money we spend on our prison system is disgusting. Look at other countries prison systems compared to ours- talk about wasting taxpayers money!!

And Finally - the ******G NRA ! WHAT THE **** AMERICA! WAKE THE **** UP!!!! The right to bear arms made sense back in the 1700's not so much now.

America needs to adopt and live by the phrase "When we know better we do better".

Life changes, civilization evolves.

Things that were once thought of as rights; right to own slaves, right to refuse women the vote etc. have had to evolve with the knowledge that we were WRONG!.

As society becomes more educated and learns from past mistakes, we need to CHANGE the antiquated laws that no longer hold up in todays  society.

Guns kill people.

Guns kill innocent children.

Innocent husbands and wives.

Innocent mothers and fathers.

Sisters and brothers.

Other countries that have implemented gun control- see Britain and Australia, don't have the constant daily deluge of gun violence plastered all over their news. 

It is abhorrent that some AMERICANS and the NRA hold their right to bear arms as more important than protecting our children and innocent lives in this country.


Rant over.




Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 7/2/15 9:31 pm - OH

Everyone --including prostitues -- already has mandatory health insurance... That is one of the provisions of Obamacare. If you don't have hearth care coverage, you pay a fine.

just sayin'...

14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 7/3/15 2:56 am - CA

Yes, they are able to sign up for Obamacare , which is AWESOME.

But that's assuming they are on the books and pay taxes.............otherwise not mandatory and they can slip through the cracks. 

on 7/6/15 2:42 pm - Beverly, MA

I have had a really rough two weeks. Been in the hospital, I have really low blood pressure, things are just a mess.  I agree with fireworks. my neighbors feel the need to wait until my kids are asleep and until I am comfortable in bed almost asleep myself until they start lighting up not only on Friday, but Saturday and Sunday.  Scared the crap out of me and my cats.  Husband just grabs the kids and brings them outside - where the across the street neighbors have joined in on shooting off fireworks as well this year and he tells me the fireworks are half way going down our driveway.  What is the point of making a stink about it, it never does anything.

I am tired and frustrated and plain old just not feeling well. I want to just sleep for like a week and rest - I want my husband to step up and just stop acting like a 3 year old and help me.  He thinks that my low blood pressure is an excuse and honestly I want to stab him in the eye everytime he says that to me.

I wish Men could really switch with us and fully understand what its like to be a MOM and a WOMAN. 



VSG 4/23/15  GOAL 130LBS

(deactivated member)
on 7/7/15 8:13 am, edited 7/7/15 8:14 am

Long Time no *****FEST = LOTS of *****in' to do !! 

I was forced to break up with my totally oblivious but crazy-hot and great in bed AND faithful parter of ten months because 1) he won't lift a finger around the house despite being a union carpenter and watches me work like a mule while he smokes ! 

He constantly hounds me where I am who with etc and seriously thinks I sleep with men I am left alone with for five minutes . The reality is before I met him I was a sexual anorexic because I felt so unattractive and unhealthy when I was fat and didn't want anyone who would accept me that way .

I am so stressed out about the breakup that I lost my wallet with al my ID and now my only set of house ad car keys ( in the home luckily ) . Sti I literally cannot go anywhere until I find them .

Cant drink my pain away because i'm sober over ten months boohoo hoo

I ate carbs yeserday and today like they were being discontinued ... nd now I feel bloated like a blimp


on 7/7/15 4:05 pm
RNY on 09/26/14

I hate that the car repair guy tells me my car is old and things will break. Ya, asshole, I have a problem that the only things that break are the things you've already "fixed". Mother ******!!  Then you want me to pay you again!  It's a ******g Toyota!!  THEY LAST FOREVER!!!  It doesn't even have 100k miles on it and I love my car. Ass hat. 

I hate people who are so mind numbingly selfish they only think of themselves and want you to get your FLU ridden ass out of what feels like your deathbed, to do them a favor **** Off.   I especially hate it that this selfish snatch is a relative I'm stuck with her.

I hate that I don't have a money tree in my back yard.  
