Duodenal Switch Help/Advice

on 7/3/15 9:05 pm - Garland, TX

hello I am new to the group but not new to WLS world.

I had lap band in 2009 and lost ZERO weight and was comfortable from day #1- battled the life of fills, no fills, sickness, et****il 2012 I would get severely sick off of sips of water! I went into Dr. Kim's office (I am located in Dallas TX) and after X-Rays it had majorly slipped and my stomach had grew around the band so via X-Ray it looked non-existence, he said it HAD to come out but the way he would have to cut my stomach I would have to have the Duodenal Switch. 


Dec. 2012- I had finally had the surgery. During surgery that found a 2-liter size cyst on my right ovary. I recovered perfectly and followed every rule as I really was determined to lose this weight. (The cyst ruptured shortly after surgery from stress but I was referred to an awesome specialist.

May 2013- emergency appendectomy surgery and at this point I'm about 45 pounds down (but mainly from eating healthy and watching carbs and cokes)

June 2013- found out the 2-liter size cyst had came back and had to have MAJOR surgery to explore/remove any damaged body parts. My gynecologist not only removed a 2-liter size cyst, my right Fallopian tube that was shredded into a million pieces, but he also repaired my right ovary for hormonal purposes. I had a hip to hip incision and if I wanted kids in my future I had to be on strict bed rest for 6-8 weeks. Being newly engaged, planning a wedding, and dreaming of kids with my future hubby I got extreme depressed and fast food, lunchables, and ice cream were there to comfort me.

fast forward some.. At this point we're finally married, talking with my doctor about in-vitro (23 years old) and enjoying the married life! October came and hubby treated me to my favorite place: The State fair of Texas!! Little did I know that months later my hip to hip incision would open little pockets! Went to my OB-GYN and my body had developed a slight MRSA and my incision wasn't healing the way it should- I literally went on every antibiotic, got my incision cauterized every 3-4 weeks to kill any infection, and got multiple CT Scans (at this point weightless was the last of my concerns but I was done 60ish pounds. We started to re-build my immune system so I could have another surgery to repair my incision but in my last CT Scan a piece of something (later found out it was plastic from lap band removal surgery) my OB-GYN told me to check in with Dr. Kim to see if this piece of plastic is life threatening or whatever. I got an immediate appointment the very next day! It was the worst appointment of my life- I was completely belittled by Dr. Kim for not being further along in my weight loss journey- I lifer feeling disgusting, worthless, and horrible.

still on severe antibiotics and pain pills for my open incision and preparing myself mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially for another major surgery and possible MORE bed rest my newly wed husband and I quit "practicing" for a baby, low and behold I magically got pregnant WITHOUT In-vitro!! Baby Blackford would be due October 2014- and I'm already a scheduled c-section at just 6 weeks pregnant so my Doctor could repair my damaged incision!

Fast forward 18 months..

Now here we are married, happy, and have a BEAUTIFUL 9-month old baby girl and my c-section/hip to hip incision is perfect. Now my weight loss needs work since having a child and breastfeeding has taken a toll on me. I have some questions/need advice.

1. What doctors do you recommend in the DFW that specializes in DS (NOT DR KIM)

2. Should I get another surgery in hopes it works this time?

3. DSers- what kind of diet works for you? I before had a high protein and high fiber diet but I've tried it recently and I got NOTHING.


i need help! I am 25 years old, 250ish pounds, a mother, and a wife and I need help!


thank you for any tips/advice you may have!  


Thank you!



on 7/3/15 9:32 pm
RNY on 06/15/15

I have no advice , but wanted to tell you that you are a trooper! What a journey you have had. 

Referral: 8/14; Orientation TWH: 12/14; Nurse: 01/15; SW, Dietician, Psych: 2/15; Surgeon: 5/15; RNY: June 15/2015

on 7/3/15 9:54 pm - Garland, TX

Roma, it has been SO rough but it has made me who I am today! Thank you! I hope someone can help me to lead me in the right direction!

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/4/15 5:29 am

You may want to repost that on DS forum. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/4/15 7:10 am - Garland, TX

Oh I thought I did? What's it posted under?

Laura in Texas
on 7/4/15 5:45 am

Wow. I'm glad to hear your health issues are behind you. I'm not sure what a DS can be revised to. Do you track your food? Measure your portions and honestly log every bite? You need to be honest with yourself about how much you are eating. Good luck.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Kathy S.
on 7/4/15 1:40 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Here is the link to the Duodenal Switch Forum (DS).  Per H.a.l.a. B. suggests post your questions there. They are a great group and may be able to help

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 7/4/15 4:17 pm - Garland, TX

Thank you, I'll copy and paste it over to it. That's weird because I had clicked on the DS forum part of the group but I'll try it again! Thank you! 

Kathy S.
on 7/4/15 6:53 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Try this link, you can also get to the DS forum by clicking Forums upper left and then DS forum.



HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Valerie G.
on 7/5/15 10:29 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

High protein/high fiber is your downfall here.  Instead, you want high protein (100+g) and high FAT.  Limit carb to green veggies and legumes and if you like to count things, try moving the carb count to below 50.  If the scale is going to move, it will then.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
