"Cute" and "Clothes" in the same sentence....
"Cute" and "Clothes" are generally not words I use in the same sentence.....until today. I was sorting through some thrift store purchases, and discovered I had some "cute" tops, in a variety of colors and styles. There was even (gag me with a spoon) a t-shirt with three kittens on it -- in MY bag of purchases. Egad! I pulled out some tops and pants that are now too big for me, and I now have a closet of clothes that actually fit me. No more keeping clothes "that I'll get into someday if I stick to my diet". No more "big shirts" that are marked 3X but in actuality are about 6X and swim on me. Nope, now my clothes actually fit me - nothing baggy anymore.
L.O.V.I.N.G. life now -- being active, being healthy. For the first time in my life, I have planted a garden, and I'm keeping the lawn mowed. No more feeling embarrassed when I pull into my driveway. My old yard had grass up to my a$$ because I could not mow it - Now, I mow my lawn weekly, and when I'm done I sit on my yard chair, sipping Crystal Light Lemonade, feeling proud of myself.
Thank you Dr. Kelly and your team, and - Hey, Me (that's right, ME)-- you're doing great - keep it up!
on 7/3/15 2:18 pm
You're going to tell us about a shirt with kittens on it-- AND NOT SHARE A PICTURE?? ;)
You are doing amazing!! Go you!!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
You should see what I'm wearing today. Actually you shouldn't. I have a stained T shirt that I ripped to make into a V-neck, but I didn't know when to stop, so it looks a little like the Hulk's clothing after he gets his undies in a bundle.
Good for you, Mary, that you're feeling so good! I'm happy for you, for real.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI