Lap band issue

on 6/26/15 5:17 pm

hi there my Lapband family! 

I had my band since 2/2007 and for the first 5 yrs life was great. I learned how to live with the band little complications, followed Drs orders to the T and exercise 3-5 times a week. I went from 267lbs to 137lbs in 2 yrs. I was very happy. Then in 2011 I had atummy tuck done and I notice my body change. I slowly started gaining weight and I didn't know why since nothing in my lifestyle or eating habits had changed. I got a bit depressed but I embraced the extra 25lbs I gained in less than 6 months. Slowly my weight has increased to a whooping 185! Not happy and having lots of issues. Can't lose weight at all and I'm at a fill of 2.75

This past year I have had issues with my stomach, but they keep putting me on different meds. So here is my question.

i can be okay in the morning and feel great, but then out of no where I start feeling an empty pit in my stomach, start feeling sick, bloated, nausea, lightheaded, and then my blood pressure goes way up. I feel like I'm having a heart attack or I'm dying. I have ended up in the ER Several times, once I almost called the ambulance cause I didn't think I was gonna make it. Very scared! Doctors gave me omeprazole and a blood pressure medication and sent me home. After visiting my Lapband surgeon he said it was my gallbladder,so I had it removed in November. After surgery I felt great for a couple of weeks and then another attack back to ER and sent back home with no answers. Every day it gets worse the empty pit in stomach feeling, don't feel like eating, and scared. I know something is wrong, but hubby thinks it's in my head and doctors give me a prescription for antidepressants. Am I the only one that has or is going thru this? Can someone shed some light on my issues? Is it my band acting up? Do I need to get it out?


on 6/27/15 4:30 pm - Vancouver, WA

The band affects the vagus nerve and that can cause heart issues. It may have been shifted some during your tummy tuck or just the surgery causing extra pressure on the nerve but I would think your surgeon would realize that. Personally I hated my band it never did a thing for me so I would have it removed and revise to the sleeve it it were me making the choice! Sounds like you may also be developing gastroparesis or slow stomach emptying that the band can cause quite often. That can cause the sick bloated feeling at times. If your surgeon won't listen to you look for another one. Many surgeons are now removing more bands than they are putting in, lots won't even do them anymore because of the high failure rate!

Nic M
on 6/28/15 9:43 am

It does sound like a vaso-vagal reaction, in my opinion. The band's close proximity to the diaphragm and the Vagus nerve system really puts us at risk for this type of complication. It's a shame that more doctors don't think of this and just start throwing drugs at their patients. If you look at our anatomy, it is pretty clear that the nerves that cause the type of reaction you're experiencing are the issue. You most likely do not need antidepressants for this. The more the Vagus nerves get irritated, the more likely it is that you'll experience repeated episodes. 

I'd advise getting to the problem itself... the band... instead of continuing the way you are now. The band could be in a bad position or you could have formed scar tissue that is affecting your system. I am very sorry you're going through this. There certainly are a lot of us who understand what you're talking about. I wish you the best. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


on 6/28/15 11:19 am

Thank you Nic M, 

lately it has been a struggle. I just wished my family could understand what I'm going thru. I am making an appointment with my lapband doc tomorrow Monday and see what my options are. I want my life back and I don't want to be taking medication if I don't need them. 

Nic M
on 6/28/15 5:02 pm

You're in the right place. I think it's hard for people who haven't experienced it to understand just how bad it is. We have this surgery to improve our health and when it does the opposite, it's very disheartening. 

I surely hope your appointment goes well and you'll be back to feeling well again soon. 


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI

