Pre op RNY

on 6/28/15 10:04 am

I am in the Medicare program for RNY surgery. Some days I am okay with my decision and others I am scared to death.  Any suggestions? This surgery will solve a multitude of medical problems for me but I am 70 and wonder if I am too old for this. Any suggestions?? Need some one to hold my hand.


on 6/28/15 3:52 pm


I am in my late 50's & having the sleeve done come September. I also worry b/c of my age & health issues. I opted to go w/the sleeve vs. the bypass b/c it is less complicated and when I began researching WLS years ago many doctors would not do RNY or those older than 55. However, I believe the expertise in this filed has changed that.

I spoke to my surgeon at my consult about my age related concerns & he assured me I had nothing to worry about. all my other doctors have cleared me. I did take the responsibility of beginning to eat the way I will need to after surgery & have lost 50 pounds. I will still be morbidly obese at the time of my surgery, but between exercising & the weight loss I feel I am in better shape.

We had a 70+ yr old man speak at the seminar we attended & he was very pleased w/his decision. There is also an over 50 board on this site.

sorry I can't help you re: RNY, but I think you will be ok...typical reaction for most of us!

Good luck!


on 7/2/15 8:12 am

hi I guess it depends on you health problems , because im diabetic they like to do RNY.i started watching what I ate on may 7 and lost 15 lbs and since surgery I have lost 29 lbs im not hungry the only thing I have had and it was only one night was I got sick to my stomach when my wife put her dinner plate next to me on the end tablethe fri after I got out my god!!!!I thought I was going to vomit and I KNOW I didn't want to do that so she took the food to the kitchenthe we have a cat that stays in the living room eats sleeps ect she walked by her food dish and ohhhhhhhhhhhno here we go again .but after tht its been good im not hungry the smell of cookies cakes ect. don't bother me at all.before surgery if I went to another town 35 miles away to shop by my self I would stop and buy coffee and a pakage of hostess donettes( small donuts) but not for two months now well grand kids are coming so good luck and take care  

on 8/8/15 5:06 pm

thanks for your support, it means a lot. Meeting with surgeon on Tues to set surgery date.  I am going for this.  Hope it works out well. Again thanks for replying.


on 6/29/15 12:28 pm - NC
VSG on 03/11/15

I had my VSG WLS this past 3/11/15.  I am 65 years of age,.  I was concerned about my age also but more concerned about my health,  I figured my health was not getting any better unless I did something drastic .  So, WLS.  Since then, I am off my diabetic pills, High blood pressure medicine, cholesterol medicine.  All my blood work has come back within normal excellent range.  My BP was 110/74 last Friday at the dr office.  My weight has dropped from 249 pre-op to 190.  I don't get winded when walking.  I can cross my legs.,  I just feel overall so much healthier and happier.  You are never too old to try to get yur health under control the best that you can.  Good luck.  Pam



on 8/8/15 5:07 pm

Thank you Pam. I am hoping to get off my meds and have a healthier life too.  Getting rid of diabetes will be a big relief



on 7/2/15 7:58 am

hi I 63 and one week and a day out from surgery!!!!!you have the rite to be scared,its a life changer believe me . my wife had it done may 7th and mine was june 24th. we are both 63 mine was because of diebeties and her was for weight even though we both could stand to loose.dont know if you have a date yet? I went in on the 24th at 2:00 and came out around 5:00 they didn't have rooms in med surg. so they put me in the pediatric sweet, with a nurse im not sure if there was others there but I felt alone.unlike my wife she had great nurses and they kept coming in to see her and take her for walks when I walked I had to watch out for kids don't get me wrong I love kids but its not the place for some one who had rny surgery.thurs I went home around 4:00pm thurs andfri I was in pain so took liquid oxeycoton. fir night my waife had a sandwich for dinner and left the rest on the end table thought iwas going to vomit and told her she had to move it. just think of the good things that will happen in the future and focus on that and you will be fine

on 7/2/15 8:15 am

the spatch is my wife I did the post just for got to sing in myself   LOL

on 8/8/15 5:08 pm

sounds just like a man.


on 8/8/15 11:10 am, edited 8/8/15 11:17 am - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 12/04/15

I'm 65 yo and will be having my RNY via Medicare.  So far I've passed my psych evaluation and attended the 1st of only 3 Supervised Weight Loss classes that I'm required to attend.  I meet with my surgeon on 8/25.  

I'm excited and scared about this journey.  My fright temporarily subsides when I get winded from walking or exertion.  I want off all these meds and my BiPAP machine.  I just want to feel good, have energy, and enjoy my family and life...these ambitions help to keep my thoughts positive.

67 yrs old, 4'10", BMI 31.8 (51.8 at start), HW 256.4 (8/4/15), SW 217.4, CW 152.8 (4/30/18), GW 125.0, RNY 12/4/15 Dr. RoseMarie Jones, Breast Cancer DX 2/16, Bi-lateral mastectomy 8/9/16.
