Help! Rebound Weight Gain After GBS and Quitting Drinking Wine

on 6/18/15 6:33 pm

I have to weigh myself daily to stay accountable.  I also got too low at first and I had regained nearly 10 lbs with my clothes fitting exactly the same.

If I was going by the fit of my clothes only I honestly would not have known I had gained weight.  Since I was doing it intentionally and purposely I was able to correlate what I ate with what I weighed.

By the time I gained enough weight to affect the fit of my clothes I have a lot more work to do to take it off then if I had been watching the numbers on the scale.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 6/18/15 8:01 pm

are you really tall?? I am only 5'4" but I notice 3-5 pounds pretty easily. Or maybe you wear loose clothes? I have some tighter fitting jeans and tops and they help keep me more honest in the food department. But to me the scale is just not something to worry about. For example, if I eat chinese or something that is high sodium my weight will go up on the scale, but it doesn't really mean anything and will drop in a few days. I try to focus more on health, how I am feeling and if I am being active or not. I have a basically 'sitting' when I am working long hours end up not being as active as I should be. And eating and activity do impact my energy level and how I feel. So guess I celebrate more the non scale victories....but I do think each person has to find what works for them.

deb 366

PS my signature hasn't been updated....sorry!
on 6/17/15 10:19 am

Did you track your food intake when you were losing?  Maybe refer back to your food logs to mimic what worked for you then?  Otherwise, just go back to basics.


Sleeved on 5/7/2015 


on 6/27/15 9:03 am

Hi Friends, 

I wanted to provide a little update to this post because you're suggestions implemented have really made difference! 

Since May 6 (my ahha moment where I realized I had regained 8-9 pounds since August I was on a mission to stop it and get back down). I changed my fitness routine, but not my eating and drinking. I wasn't eating poorly just too much! 

I was at 1500 calories a day in intake plus significant daily fitness. I wasn't loosing any weight.... At the begging of June I gave up my daily wine habit and surely thought that would make a difference! Nope - gained 3 more pounds in a week!

Based on some some of you're suggestions I re-evaluated the calorie intake and reduced to 1200/day and kept the fitness the same with the addition of a little extra HIIT - and stepped on the scale today and I'm down 6 pounds since June 14th! Very happy! Will keep on this track to get rid of the last few pounds to get back to my goal weight. 

Even almost 4 years out from surgery I had something new to learn - Thanks again for you're tips and suggestions 


07-01-2011 SW 311 LBS


SURGERY DATE 10-06-2011 274 LBS 


CW 143 

CerealKiller Kat71
on 6/27/15 6:40 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

I am so happy for you!  Keep up the good work -- and good on you for not getting defensive and giving it a try.  I think that's awesome -- I am sure you will quickly reach your goal again. 

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
