New Member, Post-Op RNY

on 6/13/15 1:04 pm

Hello my name is Becky. A little background on myself:

I have always been overweight and struggled since high school with ways to lose weight and make it a lifestyle change. I have done Weigh****chers, Jenny Craig, the Atkins diet, and just trying to cut down portion size, but nothing ever seemed to work for me. I did not jump straight from these attempts to surgery, as my mother had done both RNY and the lap band. The RNY for my mom was done when she was still in high school and not truly ready for the change. The lap band she was ready for a couple years ago, but ended up having to have it removed as the port site got very infected. 

I began contemplating RNY a little over a year and a half ago. At first I just did research on my own and kept it to myself. Then when I hit 314, I decided it was time to see a surgeon to talk over options and see what they thought was best. I saw the surgeon and for insurance did 6 months of dietician and Dr. visits. And had the RNY surgery on May 20, 2015. I am very happy that I made this step and did not do it lightly. It has been a challenge, but very worth it. 

It has been nearly a month since surgery and the one thing I seem to struggle with is drinking enough liquids, even with the protein drinks and water. I think some of this has to do with I used to just gulp down water or soda at the time and now I have to take smaller sips, which is not hard, but seems to be hard for me to get all the liquid requirements in. 

I found this website and decided to join and see if I could find more support and ideas and even share. I have done limited working out to this point, but I am working on that as well. 

I look forward to meeting some new people and sharing experiences. For now that is all!

on 6/13/15 2:28 pm
RNY on 03/10/15

Hi Becky!

Welcome to the losers bench! I am just a little over 3 months out from also having the R&Y and can say I am so glad I did. Like you I have tried everything only to gain it back. I lost 108 lbs on WW and made goal and was a leader with WW for 3 years....but when I stopped that struggle to keep my weight down it came racing back on me. I decided in Sept of 2014 after much thought to make an appointment and check into having surgery. I too did 6 months of dietician and Dr. Visits and had my surgery 3/10/15.

I am doing real well with getting fluids in and all my protein and keeping my carbs low. I always choice things that are going to give me the best bang for the buck so to speak. (high protein items) then I might have some kind of veggie. I can really tell now that I have healed from surgery when I have had enough. Prior to healing I made sure to not pu**** Make sure you follow your plan and only advance your diet when you are told you can. I went from full liquids, to puree to soft and just at 3 months was advanced to Reg. Make sure you are doing small bites and chewing well. Don't drink with your meals.

Wishing you the best!



HW in life 282 HW265 at start SW 244 CW170






