1 week post opt no energy (full liquid diet)

on 6/11/15 6:05 pm

Hello, everyone 

I'm so new to this n it seemed in beginning the process was so slow now it's going faster then I know what to do. I had surgery June 2nd 2015. I was 1 week post opt yesterday had my visit with Dr Dan n my jp drain removed. I've been kinda down although the weight is dropping fast. Anyone have any suggestions how to get 64 Oz of fluids in I just feel so full drinking.  And also I wondered if any 1 had any creative ideas on creamy soups or ways to spice up yogurt or any other full liquid diet suggestions ? it's hard for me I'm a really picky eater n like basic plain foods I love cheese fruit but can't have those so I'm struggling 

thanks,  Arie

on 6/11/15 9:18 pm

Do you like yogurt or are you forcing yourself to eat something you don't like?  Do you like cottage cheese?  You can puree it so it's smooth.  You can puree fruit and thin it out with water and add unflavored protein powder to it.  I haven't had surgery yet but I've been talking to my dietician and she said I could have thin consistency fruit smoothies with protein powder as long as I don't go over my allotted servings of fruit each day which is 3. Ask your doctor/nutritionist/dietician about it, they might allow it.   If your new stomach can handle a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg or pumpkin pie spice that might be good in yogurt too.

Highest weight 208 in 2008 ** VSG 11/27/15 weight 193 ** Current weight 128 ** Goal weight range 100 -110 ** Height - 4'11" ** Age - 49


on 6/11/15 11:21 pm

Your protein drinks and soups can probably count towards your total.

Otherwise, always have a non-caloric beverage at your side and aim for 8 ounces per hour or so ..... Basically, I have 16-20 ounces before breakfast.

Then I eat and wait about 30 minutes.  I drink another 16-30 ounces of water before lunch, then more before dinner, so I am finished drinking by early evening.

As far as your diet goes, I added a few drops of picante sauce to cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soups to add some spice.  It felt more like food because it was warm and savory.  The sugary tasting protein drinks got old pretty quickly for me.

In the big scheme of things, though ... These few weeks are short and will pass.  Just hang in there, aim for a little more fluid each day, follow your doctors orders and enjoy the weight loss!!!


on 6/12/15 8:59 am

Thanks ladies for your responses. 

I do actually like yogurt I don't mind the boost chocolate or vanilla flavored boost but I don't like cottage cheese or cream of chicken soup wise only thing wouldn't bother me is chicken or beef  broth n creamy soup I'm not sure what soup is considered creamy before surgery I only ever ate french onion or beef vegetable I never ate chicken noodle or tomato. It just sucks being a picky eater when u have an already limited selection. But I appreciate your help. 


on 6/12/15 8:00 pm - CA
RNY on 04/14/15

Be careful with the cream based soups. I have trouble with cream based soups right now although I wasn't lactose intolerant before. Since you like beef vegetable soup put it in a blender and blend until smooth. SF popsicles and sf jello were lifesavers. Room temperature and hot tea helped me get my water. I bought two fruit infuser bottles that I can put fresh fruit in and it infuses the water with a little flavor and that has really helped. You can get them off Amazon or Open Sky where I bought mine. Look through The World According to Eggface. She has a lot of recipes and tips for each stage. Here's the link to her page:


Good luck and stay in touch. I found that touching base here has been a big help.


Carpe Diem!

Height: 5'5"  HW: 237 SW: 237 CW:138 GW: 134   M1: -31  M2: -14  M3:-12  M4: -10  M5: -10  M6: -5 M7: -4 M8: -5 M9: -5 M10: -2 M11: M12: -1




on 6/13/15 4:54 am

You are only a week postop. It's going to be hard to get everything in. The most important is fluids though. You are swollen inside. This week will be better and you will start to feel a little better. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 6/13/15 4:55 pm

Thank you I will have to try the fruit infusion water :) I just need to stay positive I'm a goer type person not used to sitting down n not being able to b so independent guess it's just the waiting game now.
