Disability or Family Leave pay
on 6/10/15 10:09 am
Hi All,
so i finally received my surgery date for August 12th, cant wait!
my question is- when do i take my disability paper to my surgeons office to get filled out? If i take it early august-will that ensure my first check 2 weeks later?
your advise is very much appreciated. :)
thank you!!
on 6/10/15 12:39 pm
I'd suggest checking with your HR department to see how long they'll need to get it processed. It probably can't hurt to get it from your surgeon early, though, that way there'll be plenty of time on both sides.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 6/10/15 8:02 pm
on 6/10/15 10:04 pm
My short term disability was approved for my Band surgery bt not for my reconstructive plastic surgeries.
I had to be out 6 consecutive work days ..... I had my surgery on a Friday.
I took that Friday (my surgery was outpatient), and then the following week for my disability.
Then, I went to the doctor that next Monday and he cleared me to work ..... The disability carrier called his office, got the clearance faxed to them, then notified my boss that I was allowed to work.
While I was on disability, I was not ALLOWED to work ..... Not even check email.
I was being paid to be sick and my boss was very clear that I should not try to work or it could nullify the claim.
Insurance does not consider it an elective surgery or they would not pay for it. That is why we must do so many things to get approved and be a certain weight with certain health isssues.
For the vast majority of people here they do pay for it. Those that is does not has nothing to do with them considering it elective. The employer often chooses to have it excempt from their policy is what happens.