
on 6/6/15 8:17 am

I am scheduled to have RNY next month and am seriously having second thoughts! I have read so much about ppl regaining their weight and the crazyyyyyyy complications that they have endured, not to mention mental stability that's involved. Can you please let me know how I can ease these issues, if anyone else has felt this way, and maybe your personal journey thru this life changing event?

on 6/6/15 10:39 am
VSG on 05/11/15

Ok... I am totally going to admit this in front of everyone. When I finally got my chance to get my VGS, I never once got scared. Like the Taurus that I am, once I made my decision, like a bull, I charged through everything I needed to get done in order to a surgery date. 


But with that said... I've had 15 years to get scared, swear off the surgery, swear I could do it all on my own. 


*Yes, people gain weight back. Why? Let's be honest.

--------They fall back into the bad habits that got them overweight in the first place. 

--------They thought that this was a magic bullet rather than treating this surgery as a tool. A tool in which to unlearn bad habits and bad nutrition and replace them with healthy habits and more importantly, better nutrition.

--------They didn't deal with the psychological issues that helped get them to their highest weight. If anyone.... ANYONE says, "I'm not depressed and I don't have self-destructive issues." is lllllllying to themselves. 


You need to be aware of the fear you have is just that... fear. It's illogical. It will stop you in your tracks. It will stop you from getting what you want out of life. It will keep you exactly where you are today---obese and miserable.

I lived that for way too long and I am thankful that I've been given the chance (at age 46) to live the life I should have been living.

Don't get me wrong. I've had nearly two dozen or so friends get the surgeries. A lot failed...but a lot have been successful. The difference between the two groups is that one group was willing to face their issues and work through them. They didn't see the "honeymoon" phase as just that. They saw it as their time to regain their health and learn to feed their body and treat it with respect.

I think that's the most important thing I've learned from them. There's a difference between eating and feeding your body, treating your body (and mind) with respect. If you learn to do that then you can't be unsuccessful. You can live the life you deserve and you've worked for.

Good luck. 

Highest Weight: 340 (7/2/14)  Initial Consult: 327.8 (2/24/15) Home Weigh In on Surgery Date: 291.8 (5/11/15) Today's Weight: 187.4 (5/20/16) Total So Far: 152.6 Pounds!!!!!!

"There's only us. There's only this... forget regret. Or life is yours to miss. No other road. No other way. No day but today."





on 6/6/15 3:12 pm

The perfect answer! I hace read so many more positives and not a lot of negatives. Go forth, be brave and follow the rules.


on 6/7/15 2:21 pm

Thank you!!!! 

CJ On Orcas
on 8/12/16 1:33 pm
RNY on 09/09/16

I love that comment, thank you.  "Go forth, be brave and follow the rules!"

on 6/7/15 2:25 pm

Wow! What great feedback. It's wonderful to see and hear your perspective being that you are now a success!

on 6/6/15 4:32 pm

I am now almost three months out from RNY.  I never had a second thought.  The only second guessing I used to do was how can i keep the weight off from the million diets i tried that never seemed to work.  I could always lose the weight but never keep it off.  The tool that the RNY is yes TOOL is helping me but my health back in order.  Work through your fear and do the best thing you have every done for yourself.  


Good luck, chin up we will be hear waiting for you on the losers bench.



Bonnie RNY 2/11/15 by Dr. Takahaski

5'3" SW 230 pounds, GW per Dr. Takahaski 150 pounds, CW 132 pounds (10/1/17)

BMI 19% Bod Pod test 1/29/17 13.1 mile half marathon, 1 hour 59 mins (8/21/2017)

on 6/7/15 2:20 pm

Thank you so much for your response. may I ask, what has been your hardest struggle the past three months?

on 6/7/15 4:47 pm

hi there,

so i have been thinking what has been struggle.  honestly no big struggles,  but i can share the small issues that i deal with.


taste buds... what i love the first 3 bites, bite number 4 could make me never want to eat that food again.  lol  this seems to be getting better with time.

mind hunger....not hungry at all but brain tells me i am

triggers...lucky for me only one at this time....if i go to the movies i think i am suppose to eat popcorn.  i take a protein bar with me.

i attend monthly support and nutrition classes that are sponsored by the hospital where my surgery was preformed

i have always enjoyed exercise so have had no issues with cardio and weight training.


hope this helps,


good luck

Bonnie RNY 2/11/15 by Dr. Takahaski

5'3" SW 230 pounds, GW per Dr. Takahaski 150 pounds, CW 132 pounds (10/1/17)

BMI 19% Bod Pod test 1/29/17 13.1 mile half marathon, 1 hour 59 mins (8/21/2017)

on 6/7/15 6:36 pm

Thank you again Bonnie. These issues seem to be the same issues that I see a lot of ppl struggling with. I think mind over matter will be my biggest issue.
