Help/advice plz
This probably belongs in the ***** fest forum. I am 65 years old. Lost everything I worked for, started over. So many surgeries I lost track . My only daughter killed. I gained weight because I ate too much. Don't keep saying oh it's ok. Don't think well I can just have a revision. Grim Reeper has excellent info on tracking food. Pull up big girl panties , stop
excuses and you can do this!!!!you don't need shakes this far after surgery. Eat your protein. Big hug after saying all that and wishing you the best . I know it's possible
I am sry for your loss, and for your life struggles. Thank you for your honest advice.. I appreciate it. Protein shakes for me are only meal replacements for when I don't have the ability to eat protein.. Mostly at my job. I don't get lunch break and limited on what I am allowed to carry inside to eat. I work in a maximum security state prison.😞.
PS. Watch the artificial sweetners...those will pack on pounds too.