about me and my post op self.

on 5/28/15 9:30 am - warwick, RI

Good afternoon board!

I had the gastric bypass some time ago. I met my current wife and since we became engaged I've noticed I have gained some weight back.  After the survey I got down to 145. Some November I shot up back to 200. I've been stressed out about money issues and work issues. I'm trying not to take anti depressants but my mood has been pretty consistent.  What can I do to get myself back in the mindset to remove these 50lbs? My living community has a gym and trail.  

on 5/28/15 10:20 am - Springfield, OR

I think the motivation to get back and stay on track is a very individual process.  I can only speak for myself, for whatever it may be worth to you here is my story in a nutshell.

I had surgery in 2007 and by 2015 I regained a large part of my hard fought weight loss. I was depressed, was drinking way too much wine and eating carby snacks like potato chips.  No matter how hard I tried I could not get on trac****il the depression I was having was dealt with and once I admitted that and got medication for the problem, I was able to take control of my eating. That your problems started so close to your engagement and marriage, a very emotional time period, would be concerning to me if I were you.

I've been back on track since mid January and have lost a little over 30 lbs.  It is slow loss but steady.  I went back to basics, re-read my diet materials, started using My Fitness Pal, and coming here daily.  Also, I ask myself when hunger hits outside meal times, is this real physical hunger or is it thirst or most likely is it in response to some emotional issue. I have been making myself deal with the emotions in ways that don't involve stuffing my mouth with junk food.

hope you find your way soon.

on 5/28/15 10:31 am - warwick, RI


I have been depressed for a long time. I have it pretty much on track but the weight and financial situation is making me lazy with worry. 

on 5/28/15 3:43 pm
DS on 05/22/15

if you had weight loss surgery, and did the high protein low carb diet leading up to the surgery then you have the tools to fix your problem...eliminate the sugar and starch from your diet nuff said.


on 5/29/15 7:29 pm

May I ask WHY you're trying not to take anti-depressants??? Depression isn't a character flaw, it's a medical condition and there are a lot of different medicines to treat it. Treat your depression, and you'll find it easier to deal with the stressors in your life.

on 5/29/15 7:33 pm - warwick, RI

I had a really bad reaction to them a few years ago. They also cause weight gain in some cases (zoloft).

on 5/31/15 4:23 am

There are a LOT of anti-depressants out there, and new ones coming every day. Sometimes you have to try a few different ones before you find one that clicks for you.

Do you journal your food? Most people who have significant regain find that they've let far too many carbs sneak back in.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/31/15 7:18 am - OH

Yes, there are a FEW anti-depressants that cause weight gain. But most of the new ones are weight neutral.  If people gain weight on the neutral ones, it is usually a very small amount and is almost always due to an increased appetite once the depression begins to lift. You can easily counteract that by tracking what you eat.  If you NEED the meds, then you NEED to be willing to do what is right for your overall health and take them.

Being fat makes many of us miserable but if you are thin and miserable, you are STILL miserable.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
