Wednesday B*TCHFest - who's in?
Now that I am thin; the THIN shaming I get!
I have been accused of being anorexic by normal weighted people (men AND women) no less than 6 times. I routinely get asked "Is that a snack or a meal?" When I assemble my lunch.
Being told in Soma and by a seamstress since I don't need to have any saggy skin removed that "I should have a boob job" since my body chose to catabolize my boobs.
Being told that I "dont need to lose any more weight" by normal weighted people.
But my favorite is: having my closest friends (the ones tha****ched me struggle for over a decade, went to the gym with me and lovingly supported every crazy and not so crazy diet I was on) telling me that my fear of regain was "unreasonable" and that I really need to "talk to someone." So I did. My surgeon, nutritionist, Nurse Practioner (Not associated with the bariatric surgeon), and work psychologist all tell me that this fear is normal and reasonable because regain does happen. When I ask if TWO hours is a crazy amount of exercise, the answer is no and it is probably doing me good because it is my mental "outlet" for when the "crazys" start since I am off my anti-anxiety meds. summary, I think i am angry at normal weighted people making a lot of judgements and comments about me and my weight. Screwed when fat..screwed when normal. Cant win.
RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
I am also pissed at crappy health insurance that moves the ball. I was on the hook for in excess of 4K of labs/blood draws from my bariatric surgeon (quarterly), nurse practitioner, and endocrinologist.
I even went to the preferred lab.
Friggin hate health insurance companies that dont pay out despite me paying in.
Grouchy on Sunday,
RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat