I have sobbed all day today, it is part of recovery?

on 5/15/15 6:38 pm

Hi, I am almost 3 weeks out and I am so sad. I am super senitive and touchy. I want to be alone.I do not have depression issues

but I sure feel like I do now. I just want to cry and cry. I have tears rolling down my face as I type this. Please tell me this will pass.

on 5/15/15 6:50 pm

It's normal and it will pass.  Hormones are stored in fat cells and when you have rapid weight loss it throws everything out of whack. It will straighten out. Just relax and go find something to do. ;)


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 5/15/15 9:40 pm

I had no idea, I must have missed that day in class. Does that mean my hormones have nowhere to live, and are hopefully being eliminated from my body? Silly question I know, just curious.

on 5/15/15 9:55 pm

You are peeing them out.  Flush those damn hormones. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 5/15/15 8:39 pm
VSG on 01/19/15

Hormone dumping sucks. I had to go back to hospital for pneumonia just after surgery and lay there sobbing for the poor psycho killers on criminal minds cause they were just 'misunderstood '

I'm never going to live it down ...

on 5/15/15 9:35 pm

I know those poor misunderstood killers lol. You cheered me up thanks!

on 5/17/15 8:41 am
On May 15, 2015 at 8:39 PM Pacific Time, Kiwideb wrote:

Hormone dumping sucks. I had to go back to hospital for pneumonia just after surgery and lay there sobbing for the poor psycho killers on criminal minds cause they were just 'misunderstood '

I'm never going to live it down ...

OMG- That sounds like what I'll be like!

Be brave with your life.


on 5/17/15 4:14 pm - Shelbyville, TN

ok, that is the funniest thing I've read all day. Thanks for that!

Sleeved on 6/19/2014  Hw 277  Sw 254   Cw  142  Gw 135

M1 -20  M2 -10  M3 -11  M4 -11  M5 -11  M6 -8  M7 -8  M8 -8  M9 -1  M10 -8  M11 -4  M12 -2  M13-18-5

ONEderland 10/15/2014


on 5/15/15 10:51 pm

It's not only hormonal dumping, you're also getting rid of the anesthesia from your surgery;  tie the two things together and you're in for a bumpy ride.

Stay hydrated and walk.  Napping is good, too.

on 5/15/15 11:44 pm

Thanks MickeyDee. All buckled up for the bumpy road ahead. Its sucks!
