Who wants to B*TCH?

on 5/15/15 5:24 am
RNY on 09/26/14
On May 14, 2015 at 3:15 PM Pacific Time, Amy M. wrote:

- Annoying co workers who feel the need to interrupt me every 5 minutes to talk about themselves.  I really don't give **** that you were shy in high school and that breaking your leg when you were 17 stunted your growth.  I don't care about your 23 year old son's sex life or his annoying habits.  I DO however care about the fact that you smell like you don't use soap or wash your clothes.  

- I got a biometric health screening at work today for my health insurance and the doctor tells me that I'm in the obese category of my BMI and for my height I should be 160 lbs.  And then when I tell him I've lost over 120 pounds he asks if I did it without surgery.  Does getting surgery negate my success?!  WTF! 

That's f'd up. What difference does it make and what business is it of his???  Seems he was trying to belittle you and remind you of your imperfections. I hope you called him out!  

Another thing I'd like to b*tch about is "Biometric Screening" and the complete waste of time I have to spend listening to some chick read a script telling me how to lose weight. I need to know how much weight those people have lost before I care to listen to them. And, btw, I'm ONE INCH over in my waist measurement this year so I have to do the phone calls again. Ugh. 

Tammy H.
on 5/14/15 11:06 pm - Greenville, OH

Here are some of my gripes...People who chomp on ice while you are trying to watch a tv program, movie, at church or during a weight loss support group meeting...Same goes with people who chew their gum with their mouth open wide to where you can see their gum rolling around in their mouth...It drives me nuts how they crack and pop their gum, smacking their lips...And these people who sit behind you in church, taking notes with their ink pin, constantly clicking the button up and down on it...click click click!!!  Oh my gosh, can't they hear how annoying that is...Gotta also mention the people who smack their lips when eating at the dinner table, as well as chewing with their mouth open, taking huge bites, swallowing it hole, eating so fast that they don't even have a chance to taste and enjoy what they are eating, slurping their soup and spaghetti, never using a napkin...Belching so loud that people keep staring over at your table...I was sitting with someone once at a nice restaurant, and she picked up the cloth napkin and blew her nose on it...Very disgusting...The thought of them sending out the cloth napkins to be laundered, and me ending up wiping my mouth on a napkin that someone blew their nose on makes me sick to my stomach.

Thanks for allowing me to gripe...Tammy

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.

on 5/19/15 1:37 am

I have been chided for my ice chewing. Sorry.

I'm better now that I'm not so anemic. (craving ice is a sign of anemia)

on 5/19/15 1:36 am

Cigar smokers in nice public park pathways.


on 5/19/15 8:24 pm

Boyfriend has been in a legal fight with his family (family owned business) for nearly 5 years and it keeps getting uglier and messier.

I have been hoping it would be resolved soon (a lot of false hope) because I feel like he has put his life on hold until this is resolved and I have finally come to accept that there will be no resolution, at least not in an easy sense.

I live my life in order to avoid drama and this is a new drama on a daily basis.  It consumes him and is pretty much all he talks about.  I don't know how much longer I can deal with all this.  I am trying to be supportive but it doesn't seem to have any end in sight and it may just be the way his life is indefinitely.  

And, his 30 something son, girlfriend and child live with him.  I have finally come to accept that his son is a deadbeat and has no intention of going anywhere.  He has money so he doesn't bother to work.  He could afford his own place but isn't budging.

This is another thing I feel I have put on hold as far as considering our future.  I will not even think about moving forward as long as he is so intertwined with his family and son.

My parents are gone and I don't have a relationship with my siblings.  I do have an adult daughter living with me but at least she works.  I don't want any more family drama and with him it is in spades.

I keep myself at a distance from all his entanglements but is it too much to hope for someone who doesn't have all this family drama?  I really am beginning to wonder if it's time to step back and let him work on these things.

As long as he has all the family drama going on I am on the back burner, which has been fine for a long time but I am beginning to wonder what it would be like to be with someone where I am a priority.

I haven't been single in years and I really don't want to be but I don't really feel like this is what I want, either.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 5/20/15 6:14 pm
RNY on 12/29/14

Oh, LadyTazz, that is a sad story, where no choice sounds easy.  From personal experiemce, i understand the family business drama and also the issues of adult children who will not leave home.  I wish you the best as you sort out what your next steps are.  
