Lap Band surgery?

(deactivated member)
on 5/12/15 9:39 am - Reno, NV

SO I have had the Lapland for about 10 years. Originally, I lost about 75 pounds. Today, I am back at my starting weight. I found out that my band has slipped and my stomach is herniated over the band. My surgeon would like to remove the band and go with either the sleeve, or the bypass. This makes me nervous. Would you choose the Sleeve or the Bypass? I'm confused, and would like to hear from people who have experience with rather option. Thank you.

Ashley in Belgium
on 5/12/15 9:55 am - Belgium
RNY on 08/08/13

All of that sounds incredibly familiar to me!  I had a Band placed in 2006 and revised to ByPass in August 2013.  Best decision I have ever made.  Would do it over again every year if I had to...

I've shared my experience in my profile if you are interested in a more detailed response.  But living with RNY has been a completely different experience from my Banded life and I can't recommend it enough!

Good luck with whatever you decide - Ashley

Revision Band to RNY 8/8/13 5'4" HW 252 Lbs / SW 236 Lb / GW 135 lb / CW 127

(deactivated member)
on 5/12/15 10:00 am - Reno, NV

Thank you, it helps to hear that!

on 5/12/15 12:06 pm

I am your same situation but the difference is my insurance will not pay a penny of it so if I wanted the surgery.
I would have to pay cash like I did the first surgery.  If you have insurance, I say go for it.  I would of done it a long

time ago if I could.  Best of luck to you.

Sandra F.
on 5/13/15 6:19 am

I have never had the band but my dad does and has not had any success with it, so I went with the sleeve.  I was not comfortable with the re-routing of the intestines part of the bypass, but it is all in what you are comfortable with.  I know that the bypass and the sleeve have changed many people's lives.  Good luck to you in your decision.



(deactivated member)
on 5/15/15 3:35 pm - Reno, NV

Do you like the sleeve? are you experiencing any problems with it? I don't know anyone with the sleeve. Most of the people I know who have had WLS have chosen the Bypass, and I am not comfortable with re-routing my intestines either. Thank you for your help.

Sandra F.
on 5/15/15 6:10 pm

@Amanda L. - Yes, I love love love my sleeve.  I am 7 1/2 months out from surgery and down 82 lbs.  I am hoping to hit "one"derland very soon (I'm at 206).  The one thing that I will say is that with the sleeve you don't have some of the negative side effects from eating bad for you foods that I think you do with the bypass.  I am not close with anyone that has the bypass, but I think that they may have small issues with dumping and such whereas I can eat pretty much anything, just in smaller quantities.  This is good and bad, as you can imagine.  You would have to ask a bypass patient to be sure though as I am not sure about this.  With the sleeve an added benefit is that they remove the portion that creates the hunger hormone, so I am WAY less hungry than I used to be before surgery.  In fact, in the first few months after surgery, I never felt hungry or full so it was extremely important to measure food as it was very easy to over eat, which causes a LOT of discomfort or even throwing up.  If you go on the Sleeve Forum and look around, I think there are very few people that are unhappy with the sleeve.  Let me know if you have any other questions about the sleeve.  I am happy to help.



Sandra F.
on 5/15/15 6:18 pm

I forgot to answer your question about whether I have any problems with my sleeve.  In the first 6 weeks after surgery, my sleeve did not like dairy or eggs and I would get sick from them.  Now I can have both with no issues.  Other than that and a bit of constipation (I think was caused by dehydration because in the beginning it is extremely hard to consume all of the liquids required), I have had no issues whatsoever.  This was all in the first two to three months after surgery.  I feel great now and have no issues.



(deactivated member)
on 5/17/15 8:43 pm - Reno, NV

Thank you so much for your response. that's very helpful and makes me feel better about my decision. Still waiting to hear from the surgeon and my insurance before I can finalize anything. But having this supports helps a lot!! Thanks again, and congrats on your success!!

