Odd question...

on 5/11/15 9:09 am

So about 9 years ago I got my gall bladder taken out, w/out being too gross I go to the bathroom rather...quickly sometimes during or after a meal.  I am wondering if this is a lot like dumping syndrome? I can get bad cramping, sweaty, even nauseous sometimes.  Like I said odd question but something I was wondering.  My surgery is just a little over a month from now.  

on 5/11/15 12:17 pm

I had my gallbladder out before surgery. No issues here.  What you describe sounds like IBS to me. 

on 5/11/15 1:02 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On May 11, 2015 at 9:09 AM Pacific Time, beckyp0320 wrote:

So about 9 years ago I got my gall bladder taken out, w/out being too gross I go to the bathroom rather...quickly sometimes during or after a meal.  I am wondering if this is a lot like dumping syndrome? I can get bad cramping, sweaty, even nauseous sometimes.  Like I said odd question but something I was wondering.  My surgery is just a little over a month from now.  

no,that is not dumping. Dumping occurs from eating fat/ sugar and it dumping straight into your intestines too quickly.

dumping doesn't appear from pooping. I had a

my gallbladder out and never had this kid of problem with needing to go quickly.




on 5/11/15 1:54 pm
VSG on 04/29/15 with

It's actually a relatively common complication from gallbladder surgery. It's not the same as dumping, but it is somewhat similiar. It's most common in the first year, and it's related to your bodies ability to digest fats - it has to do things a little differently once your gallbladder is out. Usually, it resolves after 1-2 years. You may want to talk to your PCP or even your surgeon about it. 9 years out is a long time to still have that going on.


on 5/11/15 1:58 pm
DS on 11/19/14

I had my gallbladder out in '08.  I had the same thing you described.  It usually happened soon after eating, but could happen anytime.  At it's worst, I was going 8-10 times a day.  I was diagnosed with bile salt diarrhea and it can be a side effect from the gallbladder removal surgery in a small percentage of people (go figure!)  I was afraid that the DS surgery would make it worse with all of the rumors I heard about the DS.  It turns out that the DS surgery helped it.  I now go once a day, every morning.  I hope you get some relief from it, as it became very difficult to deal with at times. :)



Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/11/15 8:29 pm - OH

It takes a while for food to move through your digestive system, so whatever you are eliminating during or right after a meal is food from previous meals.

Yes, dumping often includes intestinal cramping, nausea, and feeling sweaty. It also involves racing heart rate, lightheaded ess or dizziness, shakiness, though.  What you are describing, though, with the loose stools and urgency, is a common reaction to too much fat once you don't have a gallbladder.   

You say that your surgery is just over a month from now.  Which surgery are you having?  Does your surgeon know that you are having these issues now?  I ask because it might get worse after surgery, especially if you are having RNY.

If you are having RNY, you will likely need to be very cautious about how much fat you consume.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
