Is hair loss due to weight loss or the surgery itself?
on 5/12/15 6:15 am
I suffered telogen effluvium starting at 3 months and somewhat ending at 9. It sucked. However, from what I understand, it takes a couple of months for that effect --
I know you are getting your protein -- protein/iron deficiency can also cause hair loss? Are you anemic at all?
I also shed a lot come spring -- could that be it and you're just overly noticing it since you're worried about hair loss?
I do agree with others that if you are truly losing a lot of hair this early out, speak with your doctor. You'd want to catch a deficiency brewing this early fast -- it's always easier to prevent than fix.
"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
on 5/13/15 3:18 pm
My iron is always low, just on the borderline for anemia. You may also be right about it being spring...I've always lost a lot of hair (I buy Drano by the multi-pack at Costco just for my shower drain), so maybe I'm just noticing it more now that I'm scared of losing all my hair because of surgery.
I too had hair loss after surgery. As a nurse, I knew several factors can come into play. Sometimes this happens post anesthesio - while I know there is no real scientific data on it, many nurses know it happens.
Also, too much Vitamin A can cause hair loss. I cut back on the vitamins I was taking, while not stopping completely, and began using Argan oil massaged into my scalp at bedtime, and the hair loss stopped .
Before stopping the vitamins, I spoke with my doctor had blood work done for nutritional screening. Since everything was ok , we agreed to stop one of the multivitamins a day. I still take others for my eyes and hair, skin & nails, as well as calcium.
Speak with your doctor about this problem, since it can be caused by other things.
Good luck.
on 5/13/15 3:20 pm
I really like mine long, and I'm still regrowing it after cutting off some old damage a year ago, so I'd prefer not to cut it! Especially since losing weight is making it easier to tolerate wearing it down in the summer. =)