Roux-en-Y gastric bypass done 20 years or more

on 5/6/15 4:24 pm
RNY on 04/19/91

Hello Everyone.   I am looking for people with similar cir****tances that I have traveled.   I first had gastric bypass when I was 23 in 1991.  The Dr. and the Hospital was 6 hours away from where I lived and I had no access to support groups (back then there really wasn't any),  I was among a very very small handful of people that had ever done this.  Fast track to now.  I have gained all but 65 lbs back.  I am looking for people *****gained and took back their lives and learned to lose again.  In the past years I have had endoscopy's and although the pouch stretched a bit I still get full earlier than most.  I would love to hear any ideas anyone has.  I stumbled on something called 5 day pouch test but really nothing that focuses on people who have had bariatric back in the 90's.  thought about revision but my insurance doesn't cover it so now I am asking for everyone's help.  

Thank You all for info.

Starr M

originally from NY but now living in Central Florida. 

on 5/6/15 6:17 pm

One thing I want to point out is that even though you have regained, you are still 65 lbs less than you were 20 years ago.  Had you not had WLS that probably wouldn't be the case.

I can tell you that over the course of 20 years my weight was easily over 100 lbs than it was in the beginning.

So something is working, even without effort.  Imagine how well you could do if you really used your tool.

Forget the 5 day pouch test.  If it has any use at all, and I really don't think it does, it can help you detox from the carbs, which is really the goal.

If it takes you following some silly pouch thing to get the refined carbs out of  you system, go for it.  But you can have the same results by just eating a lot of protein first, not drinking with meals, and staying away from the refined stuff.

Stick with meat, vegetables and avoid high carb stuff until you get where you want to be.  Pretty much back to the basics.  If you don't remember the basics you might want to visit and nutritionist who works with WLS patients to learn how best to eat to make the most out of what you have.

If things are still working than having a revision isn't going to fix anything that isn't broken.

Drink you fluids except with meals and 30 minutes afterwards.  Find support and accountability either here or in real life.  You will do fine, I just know it.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

White Dove
on 5/7/15 5:52 am - Warren, OH

Your weight will end up being the result of what you eat.  As Lady Tazz said, you need to concentrate on protein and vegetables, but the most important factor will be how many calories you take in and how many you burn.

The rapid weight loss that happened after surgery is a once in a lifetime deal.  Now you have to lose weight by counting calories.  For every pound you weigh it takes 10 calories a day to maintain.  So at 120 pounds you need 1200 calories and at 300 pounds you need 3000 calories to stay the same (all estimates of course, but still quite accurate).

Weigh yourself, multiply the weight by 10 and that is what you need to stay the same.  The subtract 500 calories a day to lose one pound a week.  Weigh yourself everyday and that pound will be gone by the end of the week.   Keep it up until you are at the weight that you want to maintain.

This is easier for people who had the surgery because we do get full faster.  What we need is time and patience.  There will not be a weight loss miracle again, but you can get to and maintain your goal and it will be easier than you think.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Gina 22 years out
on 5/7/15 6:59 am - Burleson, TX

SKYLER--I may well be as close to what you are looking for, as OH has to offer. 20 years ago, did you have what the RNY is now (pouch with remnant stomach), or did you have a "stomach stapling"? I guess it doesn't matter, if you still have restriction-mostly the nurse/mama/support group leader is just real curious...

I am 13 years post RNY. I have had a very "roller caster" journey,with LOTS of regains/relosses/regains/relosses, along the way, taking me 9 years to get to "goal". At one point I had a 70 pound regain-and that was before I ever even GOT to goal. Currently I am 10-15 pounds UNDER goal, and I am older, in age, than most here (I'm 57)..I say all that, to say--IT'S NEVER TOO LATE..

I am of a different mindset, regarding the "5 day pouch test", than most folks you will hear from..I am actually an advocate of it. It started me on the road to getting act together..BUT...I had to ANGRY and HONEST with MYSELF. I do wish the 5dpt had another  "Pouch reset Point", or something. It is NOT NOT NOT designed to help you lose weight. The ORIGINAL design was to get your BRAIN back on track. Does it "shrink your pouch"???? Of course not. Does it help "retrain your brain", and hopefully your HABITS ??? It sure helped me. Now, I never messed with the recipes, soups, yadda, yadda, yadda...I just stuck to shakes for 2 days, went to soft for 2 days..on to my helps me detox from the processed carbs...I still do once a year, or so, when the Carb Monster is getting more control, over me, and I feel I am losing my grip

To still have ANY weight off is AMAZING!! Please post again, and tell us MORE, about yourself!

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

on 5/7/15 10:00 am

I am  57 had the same surgery in !2002 and didn't really gain until thyroid cancer and removal thyroid in 2014!

I don't know what the.pouch test is...could you explain??

Im going nuts gaining and different thyroid replacement meds and malabsorption was an endocrinologist that just doesn't get it!

Any advice is most appriciated

Gina 22 years out
on 5/8/15 6:58 am - Burleson, TX

DEB-go to or just google 5 day pouch test. Like I said, I never bothered with the whole thing-no recipes, etc, but it helped me "detox", from processed carbs and "retrain my BRAIN", so to speak. My surgery "tool" has always been there, but BRAIN has to be in motion, before anything else can work.

My BEST advice? START RIGHT NOW..not Monday..not when all the "crap" stuff in the house is eaten up...RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW...Feel free to message me...

You got this !!

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things
