12 Years Later -- Discouraged and Depressed

on 5/7/15 6:28 pm - Arvada, CO

I had a R-n-Y procedure in 2003.  I lost 160 pounds, was very active, and felt like a normal person for the first time in my life.  As soon as I added fruit and grains to my diet, the weight piled back on, and now I find myself 90 pounds heavier, miserable, tired, and completely discouraged.  I have found that I don't like protein very much, and it's a chore to eat it at all.  In addition, I've had one emergency surgery and several hospitalizations because of bowel obstructions caused by scar tissue.  I have one doctor telling me not to eat fresh vegetables or whole grains and to eat garbage like white bread and white rice.  I have another doctor telling me just to go on Weigh****chers.  And I have the voice inside me saying that I wasted $25,000 and shouldn't even go out in public so everyone can see that I am a failure.  Last summer, I walked every day, from 4-8 miles and lost...wait for it...NOT A SINGLE DAMN POUND!  Is there any hope?

on 5/7/15 1:45 pm, edited 5/7/15 1:46 pm - WI

If you want to lose weight, you know you will HAVE to find a way to eat protein.  You know that fruits (which the body sees as pure sugar) and grains  (made with flour like bread, crackers, pasta, and rice) have created the problem.  Carbs go down too easily and we can eat A LOT of them.  Dense protein will keep you satisfied longer.

Whole grains are still CARBS and will cause weight gain.  You need to get back to basics to lose the weight.  Protein first, then veggies.  Limit fruit to one serving per day.  Don't let the carbs into your house if you have a problem with them.  

If you are drinking with your meals STOP!!!!!  The common denominators in regain are drinking with meals and eating too many processed carbs.   Wait at least 30 minutes after a meal to drink.  Drinking with your meals allows you to eat a larger amount of food, causing weight gain.

YOU CAN'T EXERCISE YOUR WAY OUT OF A BAD DIET!  Exercise is only about 15% of weight loss success.  The most important parts of weight loss are the foods you eat and portion sizes.  Get you measuring cups out and track EVERY thing you eat.  I bet you are eating more than you think you are.  Obese people have a skewed view on what a proper portion looks like.  I still measure everything because I don't trust myself to eyeball a portion size.  I know I will overeat if I don't measure.  I eat 6 very small ( 200 to 300 calories) meals daily.  That means I eat every 3 or 4 hours and I don't get hungry. 

I have had lots of complications, including three bowel obstructions.  That is NOT a factor in what you choose to eat.  Climb back on the wagon and get back to following the RNY rules.


HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 5/8/15 3:54 am

you sound like me. i have pcos and am very iinsulin resistant. grains and most fruits cause me to gain or stall. as little as one piece o bread will do this. ONE.


sorry to say this but you may have to go on a high potein low carb diet. the veg needs to be non-starchy. 1/4 cup meat. 1/4cup non starchy veg.


treat is cheese...

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 5/11/15 8:49 am - VA

I also have pcos. The only thing that saves me is that I do 2 protien shakes a day and only green veg and lean meat daily. It's hard...... But feeling good is soooo worth it. I still have 40 pounds to go but we can do it!!!

