Anyone prefer sleeve over rny?

on 4/24/15 8:25 pm

Hi Candiangirl

You might want to post this on the RNY and the VSG forum to get answers from both groups.  At the end of the day you have to decide what is best for YOU and your issues.

I try not to second guess my choice - I am happy with my choice of RNY - who knows how I would have progressed with VSG.  I am a very compliant person but I had a lot to lose.

Sometimes people further out get complications that turn then one way or another on their surgery choice.  I know of both VSG'ers and RNY'ers with issues further out - so there is no free ride on either surgery - just different complications/issues

To me the thing you have to figure out is what type of eater are you - how much do you have to lose - do  you and your doctor think you need malabsorption to assist ( even if its for 18 - 24 months only ) to get you to your goal?

Figure out the surgery that you think will get you there - Personally, if I had under 100 pounds to lose I would have gone with the VSG.  There are people who make goal and better who are SMO with the VSG.  It takes dedication - no helping hand of malabsorption - do you think you are that person? 

I take my vitamins daily - not onerous at all - I cant take nsaids - but the recommendation now is no surgical choice should take nsaids. 

I have gone from 4 prescription meds daily to none - just my vits. 

All of the surgeries will work if you work them.  Whichever you choose be serious - dont screw around - take advantage of your first year - keep focused all of your life on the new you.


Good luck






on 4/24/15 9:46 pm - Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Wow, what great responses to my questions. Thank you everyone *****sponded. I am still leaning more toward the sleeve and keeping my digestive track similar to what it is now. But great information to keep in mind. Thanks again!

on 4/24/15 9:48 pm - Barrie, Ontario, Canada

# that did respond

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 4/25/15 11:05 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

I chose the sleeve over the rny & am very happy with my choice. I also didn't listen to the naysayers that would promote the malabsorption procedure because I had more than 100lbs to lose. I knew my eating to the SMO status had to do more with emotional issues & having a wicked sweet tooth & less with metabolic issues that some people have.

I wanted to keep a more normal digestive tract, but I also knew without the malabsorption my weight loss would be slower than a rny'r but that's ok, plus the long term stats kinda evened out at the 5yr mark but that's not because of the type of surgery, but keeping compliant. I wasn't crazy about the malabsorbtion of nutrients for life., & I didn't want eating sweets to be a punishment. I wanted to work on control. 

So far I've done ok & I still have a ways to go, still have my sweet tooth, but its more controlled now. I don't always go overboard on sugar like I used to. Good luck on whatever you decide.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
