
on 4/19/15 2:13 pm

I had the lap band surgery 2009 lost 100 lbs.i have kept it of all the way up to the last 5 months ago.  I had something stuck do my dr had to take a lot of fluid out. Started gaining then. I went back for him to start filling it back up. Been there two times. Trying to get back track,  have gained 30 lbs. Been depressed,  my dr is trying to treat me for it. My question is ? Is it natural to gain weight after having it so long. Get frustrated and disappointed in my self. Would love some ideas and help please. Should I go back for another fill ? HELP PLEASE!

Cathy W.
on 4/20/15 12:07 am

Have you talked with your surgeon if your band is still intact?  If you don't have any mechanical issues with your pouch, regain is usually due to habits.  Have any old habits crept back....grazing, not eating protein first, inactivity, etc?  

Cross post this on the Lap Band message board so other Banders can reply to you as well.  Check out the 16 Ways To Get Back On Track too.  

You lost the weight before and you can do it again.  


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

Bette B.
on 4/20/15 12:12 am

Is it NATURAL to have a weight gain? Maybe not. Is it POSSIBLE? Of course, and with ANY WLS!

I'm going through the same thing as you, after having to have my band emptied in February after having nighttime reflux that ended up in aspiration pneumonia and me being in the hospital for three days.

After the band is emptied, we are usually on our own when it comes to eating and the only recourse, until the proper fill level is regained, is careful and mindful eating. I confess that I am the WORST at it, which is why I ended up having WLS in the first place. Stay with the basic eating rules of protein first, low carbs and staying away from foods that aren't good for us.

I've had one fill with a barely negligible difference, and probably will have to go for another sooner rather than later. My best suggestion to you, besides the ones above, is to - yes! - talk to someone about your depression, but if you are like me and always used food as your "go-to guy" for dealing with stress, you'll keep eating as a way to deal. 

Let me know how you do!



Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 4/20/15 6:32 am - Vancouver, WA

Of course it is natural to gain when your "tool" isn't working like it did before. The problem is you may never feel the same restriction you did before it was emptied because they don't feel the same when you start refilling again. I don't know why but that just seems to be the way it is and that is how a lot of people end up being too tight and causing serious damage trying to get that same feeling back again.

My advice is go very slow because the last thing you want is to get too tight, it will cause horrible damage to your esophagus. I know because I live with it everyday. My esophagus and stomach are permanently damaged from the band and I wasn't even particularly tight. Put your attention on dealing with the depression first then work at the weight. Until you get the depression under control the weight is gonna continue to torture you. Watch your portion sizes and try to keep your stress to a minimum. Just be very careful not to get too tight!


on 4/20/15 9:32 pm

To kill the frustration,the best way is to engage yourself in activities u love.A best friend can be the helpful.just think that u are very happy,change ur atmosphere and go for outing with someone special for u.and listen,happiness is the feeling inside.
