I'm finally normal... well in some ways anyway!

on 4/4/15 2:52 am

I went to my regular doctor on Thursday for the first time in quite a while and he requested the dreaded blood tests for cholesterol and diabetes.  He had told me for the last few years that I was boarderline diabetic and my cholesteral was high.  Even though I have seen my surgeon many times and had blood tests, for some reason this particular blood test had me nervous.  I have tried to deny for years that I could be getting diabetes, so I was nervous to see my regular doctor for this visit.  To my surprise, he was very excited when I told him I had my surgery (he had put the bug in my ear several years ago after watching me go up and down on my diet rollercoaster that I would qualify for gastric surgery.) He showed me the graph of my weight history and it was so cool to see the drop from the last time to now.  Then came the time to go over my lab results...  I brought the last group from my surgeon to look at and he said they looked great.  Then he let me know my A1C was 5.. (For people without diabetes, the normal range for the hemoglobin A1c test is between 4% and 5.6%)  Then he said my LDL level was absolutely normal too.  Wow!  What a sigh of relief!  Now I will go to my surgeon for another checkup on Monday and see what they have to say.  Gotta love my DS!
