Overeaters Anonymous
I don't know much about OA. Many years ago I went to a few meetings. The only thing I remember is the pig. If you had gained more weight than anyone else, you took the pit home to put on your fridge to remind you to stay on your plan. I never got the pig, but I quit going in fear of getting it one week.
RNY: July 8, 2008
Dr. John Price
Kansas City, MO
Ummm, are you sure that was OA? Because never in the history of OA has there ever been a scale or a pig used to single someone out. OA is based on the 12-steps and 12 principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are no scales used in meetings...ever. So no one would know if you weren't "on your plan" except you.
I'm pretty sure that would have been TOPS (take off pounds sensibly). My mother attended these meetings, and there was indeed a traveling pig that went home with the person who'd gained the most weight that week. I don't know how big it was or what it was made of, but I'm guessing that shaming people this way didn't work very well.

Height: 5'10" HW: 264.4 Bariatric information session 1/21/15. Insurance approves VSG 4/30/15. Surgery date 5/28/15.
I don't know much about OA. Many years ago I went to a few meetings. The only thing I remember is the pig. If you had gained more weight than anyone else, you took the pit home to put on your fridge to remind you to stay on your plan. I never got the pig, but I quit going in fear of getting it one week.
Are you sure that was OA?
Highest 290, Banded - 248 Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.
Happily banded since May 2006. Regain of 28lbs 2013-14. ALL GONE!
But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,