Anyone with Roux Stasis syndrome?

on 4/1/15 8:13 am - Atascadero, CA

I had RNY in 2004 with complications throughout the years,  I recently was hospitalized for severe left sided pain but CT showed all was normal.  I was in for two days getting fluids.  I recently had a gastric empty study done because with past tests showed slow transit time my pcp was thinking gastroparesis but the test showed unexpected results.  It looked like dumping syndrome even though symptoms are not like dumping syndrome.  Food content from the test basically went straight to my small intestines.  my symptoms are more early saiety, severe nausea, feeling full for hours, no appetite ect and BM only once or twice a week.  Some days I can not eat but still fight to keep fluids up.  My vitamins are mostly being given intravenously as I do not absorb them well.  With some research I was doing I came across roux stasis syndrome that mimics many of the symptoms of gastroparesis.  Many of the treatments for gastroparesis are used in roux stasis syndrome.  Some I may try some may not be candiate as I also have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility-collegan and connective tissue disorder genetic and Postural Orthostatic tachycardia Syndrome-disfunction of autonomic nervous system.  I also have an intermittant intusseption at my jejunojejunostomy. I have been told  by two bariatric doctors that reversing my surgery is not an option as I would be worse off than what I am.



on 4/1/15 12:30 pm

WOW!!!  I hope you get better.



VGS- 2015

H.A.L.A B.
on 4/1/15 9:45 pm

Google SIBO and IBS-C. Also FODMAP diet.

I take 2 capful,of Miralax a day, that really helps with moving my guts.  Also choosing low FODMAP , low carbs, low fiber diet helps with motility issue and pain. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 4/5/15 1:45 pm - Atascadero, CA

Will look into FODMAP familiar with it a little and have tried high dose magnesium nope not work high dose vit c nope not work and tried triphalia which is an herb that helps most go gently at least by next day nope nadda.  and I have to be care careful mag citrate as a quarter bottle i took one time my son found me passed out on the floor luckily my head landed on pile of clothes.  So Miralax I am little reluctant and take already VSL #3 a good probiotic 

H.A.L.A B.
on 4/6/15 12:29 am

I try to eat a lot of salt, and minerals.  

Magnesium stopped  working for me long time ago - I still take it - but no more than 800-1200 mg mag oxide per day. More than that - and it felt like my muscles were relaxed way too much.  all my muscles. 

Taking miralax - I nee to take that EVERY day, or I get in real trouble.

I do believe my issues is SIBO - that causes low gut motility. High fiber diet constipate me to no end.. 

SIBI - is small intestine bacterial overgrowth- and the bacteria can be even the "good gut bacteria" but when they colonize small intestine - that can cause issues. Major issues. 


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 4/5/15 1:51 pm - Atascadero, CA

I did see GI doctor and he believes I have rapid dumping, gastroparesis, and roux stasis syndrome which ca happen 30% of those that have RNY.  I get upper GI with small bowel follow through wed fun with barium,  Makes me sick at  very least 3 days.  and when those results in He wants to have camera endoscopy done and poss too reg endoscopy and colonoscopy with poss biopsies.  He want me to see Hemetologist for anemia and also for long standing anemia and he saw couple other questionable things in labs.  I have an appt with a bariatric doctor I have not seen one since 2010.  and he wants me see GI specialist at UCLA.  So full workup.  When colonoscopy endoscopy done he will hospitalize ,e for couple days so I dont pass out and make sure electro;lytes normal and fluids given and make sure bloop pressure not drop.
