Hair lost
Hey ,
I had surgery ( RNY) on Dec 16th last year . I am right there with you ! Mine is falling out in clumps :( And trust me , I cant afford to lose anymore ! I have had a thyroid issue for over 20 years which had left me with very thin fine hair . So this is traumatic. There is nothing we can do for this . Other than keep on top of getting in enough protien . It's all part and parcel of the anesthetic and completely normal . We just have to ride it out. I take Biotin ( have done for years ) and I think it helps in the overall health of my hair , so when it grows back it will be healthy . But it won't stop the loss unfortunately. Like I say , keep on top of your protien , this may help to minimize the loss a little , get all your vitamins in , and fluids . And just be patient , it's all we can do dear ! I've read it can last for a few months . Maybe more , but it will stop and it will grow back . A short cut is definitely in my future , cos right now I'm beginning to look like one of those older men who have those short cuts at the front and the long rats tail ponytail at the back !!! Not a good look for a 37 year female !! Lol ! We will get there , it's all part of the process .... ****ep telling myself this even though in my despair I have been known to scream at my hubby " what's the point of being skinny if I'm baldy "!!!! ) lol .....seriously !
Hang in there , and yeah ...maybe book in at the salon and see what your stylist recommends . Layers can work wonders !
Good luck xx
Jax x
It's to be expected, unfortunately.
I have super fine thin hair to begin with had just grown it out to bob length pre surgery, and bulked up hugely on the biotin and collagen pre surgery and after, in a hope to keep the new growth I had going, but the comb is telling me I wasn't to be one of the lucky few.
I'd planned for this, so shortly, just in time for summer I'll go have a sassy short cut done to go with all this new angular face I'm getting.
hair grows back so im not going to lose sleep over it ( and I've gone from shoulder length to #4 before), I've got other much more painful things to worry about. #finds a donut to sit on.
Google Telogen Effluvium - it's a process and nothing you can do but wait it out. It's a very common subject on here, so if you did a search on here (little magnifying glass on the blue bar) you will find hundreds if not thousands of posts on this subject.
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
Time will soon tell wether or not I'm one of the lucky hair loss people or not, but until then I've been experimenting with cost effective ways to keep an appearance of volume.
i have long hair as well but it its naturally quite limp and without body, and I've been really loving large Velcro rollers and hairspray. I use the 50mm, about 12 before bed, and take them out in the am. Looks like a salon blowout with very little effort, and gives my limp hair body. It falls a bit during the day due to the weight of long hair, but still looks much better than nothing.

Nothing. A shorter cut with layers is usually a lot easier to live with. It normally starts falling out at about three months and stops at about eight months. Getting in your protein and vitamins can help your body to know it has enough nutrition so that it can spare some for your hair and nails. Hair and nails are decorations to your body and it is going to use its very limited supply of food for things like maintaining your heart, brain and lungs.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
You are right on track for when hair loss is the worst - months 3-5 usually. I started shedding almost immediately post-op but it got REALLY bad in month 5 and kept going until about 1 year post-op. However, I was an extreme case, most people don't experience that.
Cutting it would be the best thing right now. Get it shorter, cut into layers, use hair fiber products like Toppik to cover any light areas. There's nothing you can do to stop it but there are things you can do to make sure the new hair comes in healthy and strong:
1. Take your vitamins
2. Get at least 60-80 grams of protein per day
3. Add in some extra biotin
4. Eat plenty of healthy fat - hair is hormonal and hormones need fat to work. Think avocadoes, olives, nuts.
5. Do a little scalp massage
6. Wash your hair less frequently - use dry shampoo in between washes.
And try not to stress because stress WILL make your hair fall out faster!
There are definitely things you can do to make your hair fuller and more healthy, but keeping the telogen effluvium (that's what the post-op hair loss is for many of us) isn't gonna happen. I lost about 1/3 of my hair between 3-5 months post-op. I freaked out when I was losing so much, and was sure I was going to go bald. I had almost waist-length hair at that time.
I ended up cutting my hair to about chin length a month ago because it was looking so scraggly at the ends, and that was depressing me. I feel great now, my hair loss has slowed significantly (I'd say it's pretty normal now at 6 months post op), and I feel great. I make sure to hydrate my scalp and hair with masks (I'm a curly girl and my hair and head get really dry), keep up with biotin which is helping my hair grow back in thick and healthy. I still mourn my long hair a little bit, but I love the cut I have now, and I'm back to loving my hair instead of worrying over it incessantly.
Best of luck!