Lost my way

Cynthia L.
on 3/31/15 3:06 pm

Hello All,


I had my Lap-Band done in 2010 or 2011.  I started out well but have lost my way over the last 3 -4 years.  I have gained back some weight but not I'm an not up to my surgery weight, nor do I want to be that high.  Any suggestions on getting back on track after 3-4 years being out of the grove?

Thank you



Cathy W.
on 3/31/15 11:54 pm

Go back to the basics of how you ate when you were losing weight.  What habits have crept back in that have caused the regain?  Usually it is one or a combo of a few such as eating starchy carbs, grazing, not eating dense lean proteins and not being active.  Whatever habits have returned, nix them.  

Log your food.  If it goes in your mouth, log it.  There's something about tracking your food that helps me.  If I don't want to see it in my log, then I don't eat it.  

Consider joining the Back On Track Together OH Group.  We have a daily thread where we check in with what's going on for us and we share our eats.  If I commit my eats for the day in the thread, it keeps me accountable.

Make the commitment to yourself that you're going to be back on track and follow through with your choices.

Keep telling yourself that you lost it once and you can do it again.  


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

Cynthia L.
on 4/1/15 9:31 am


I did join Back On Track Together, I think it will be very helpful.  Where would I find the daily thread?  It has been a very long time since I have been on this site and I'm having trouble remembering where everything is and how to talk to other members.


on 4/1/15 7:53 am

You might need to see your bariatric surgeon -- and see about a little 'un-fill' ----

Sometimes when we gain weight, our bands actually have to be loosened to allow us to go back to eating lean/solid protein comfortably.

Most people gain because they stop eating 'protein first' and they resort to easy, slider foods that are much more calorie-dense.

When I was losing, I needed a small fill every time I lost about 20 pounds ---- if I gained 20 pounds, I would get a little un-fill and go back to the basics of

1.  No liquid calories (except possibly skim milk)

2.  Lean/Solid protein for 3 meals and 2 snacks a day (300 calorie meals and 100 calorie snacks at the max)

3.  lots of no calorie fluids to stay hydrated


Cynthia L.
on 4/1/15 10:18 am

I may very well need to see my surgeon.  I have trouble eating solid food sometimes and often times end up getting sick when I try to eat.  I figured it was because the band is to tight but haven't had the money or insurance to go to the doctor, so there are days where I do a liquid diet.

Thank you


on 4/1/15 11:18 am - Vancouver, WA

You are walking a very dangerous road and need to get an unfill right now. The longer you are tight the more damage the band is doing to your stomach. The more slider foods you are forced to eat the more weight you will gain. The band causes a great deal of scar tissue and this builds up over the year and causes damage that can be life long. You are jeopardizing your future health everyday that it stays too tight. This isn't something you can put off till later, I tried that and I still have daily pain from the damage my band caused even a year after having it removed I continue to have pain and can barely eat at all, I've lost 50 lbs in less than 6 mos because of the pain and the docs have yet to find what it is and how to fix it. So don't do what I did and wait too long to get it unfilled!

Cynthia L.
on 4/1/15 2:21 pm

Thank you, I will call them tomorrow.  I didn't realize that it could cause damage.  And I built up scar tissue fast as it was, they had trouble maneuvering the port for fills when I first got the band due to the scar tissue.

Thank you for letting me know.

