Trying not to be annoyed, everyone is having pizza
on 3/27/15 12:21 am, edited 3/27/15 12:21 am
Five years post op I find I can eat a few slices of pizza - particularly if its homemade and full of veggies fresh sauce and fresh mozzarella .
However I still find its a fattening food - I mostly use it as a reward when I've exercised well or as comfort food . It helps to eat it early in the day too to help burn the extra calories off.
I dont deny myself anything but taste food and then slow down usually . I allow myselfto eat ANYTHING in the morning through about three pm ... which means i eat a LOT less for dinner usually . I have no problem eating leftover dinner food for tomorrows breakfast though ..
I've been amazed how well the weight has stayed off despite emotion upheavals , a nasty divorce and serious financial challenges . I've learned run for the emotional high and in order to rock challenging clothes the next day .
I even bought a few more bikinis when they first came out his week planing finally to open the pool this year and do some "near nekkid " gardening ( in shorts and a bikini top ) lol
I thank God I can actually feel comfortable doing these things today !
I do feel for you. Pizza is a big trigger for me, especially the smell.
The other day at work, after a LONG stressful day, someone brought in some leftover food from a meeting. There was a platter of Subway sandwiches, bags of chips, and soft baked chocolate chip cookies. I freaking love salt and vinegar chips and cookies. They kept telling me, "Just have one! Just have half!", but I wouldn't taste it because I knew I'd grab two.
I did, however, take a part of the sub, scrape the inside into a cup, and had a satisfying cup of roast beef, lettuce, and tomato. And I was SO proud of myself that I resisted those cookies and chips. After a long day is usually when I'm weakest. Just remember you are strong, and you deserve good things. Pizza tastes good, but it taste better than me reaching my goals.
It was the smell that hit me the most. I don't like pepperoni or sausage pizza, but it still smelled terrific. My roommate and i had a long discussion after the fact and she felt bad. I told her that I don't blame her and I did my best to conceal my feelings in the heat of the moment to purposely protect her feelings. However she knows me and my energy all too well and knew right away something was wrong. When I came home, we talked and I explained the entire process that happened in my head. She was really happy for me and proud of me for vocalizing what I went through. She also apologized for ordering pizza (which I told her that no one had to sacrifice what they want because of me) and for taking a nap and not making our dinner together (she wasn't going to have pizza either, we were going to eat something healthy together). She too struggles with weight and is having a very hard time preparing for her surgery in June. Everyone in the house is on board for healthier eating and will gladly support anyone in the house....unless of course the quick fix is offered LOL. Oh well, it had passed, I survived. I ended up tossing a few pieces of roast turkey in the pan and melting a piece of smoked Gouda on was quite tasty by the way ;)
It's definitely a struggle, I pass by this pizza place on my way home from work & it smells so good, then I start thinking about these little fried dough things with sprinkled sugar on top that I used to eat & I think I so want this right now but can't.
I know there are pizza alternatives & I so wish these big pizza places would make them, then no one would have to feel excluded at mealtime.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
that would be awesome. one of the local chains by me starting making a gluten free pizza. its nice but it doesnt help since me any. i try really hard to avoid carbs.
ive made the cauliflower pizza before. its ok. it gets to be a bit gaggy after a while though.
to get the flavors when i really crave them, i slice tomatoes, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with a little salt, basil, parm & mozzarella. bake until bubbly...pretty damn good.
A few healthier options: hy-protein-packed-snacks-pizza.html
Hope it helps a bit.
~Michelle "Shelly"