My 600lb Life

on 3/26/15 4:49 am

Today I look back at my post from last night...I believe now, my major upset and concern is lymphoma. I have never seen such odd placed and shaped masses.  I have been exposed to so much in my 40-yr career in hospitals.  I never thought there would be anything so disturbing to me.

God bless Charity being successful with her WLS.  It annoys me that Dr. Now referred to the removal of her masses as "skin removal"...she did not have loose skin and at greater than 500lbs no one gets skin removed until you are at the end of weight loss!!!  This so misleading.

I can feel the pioneers of this site telling me to move on over to the lymphoma section, and you know what?  I will.  I am interested in the outcomes these folks experience.





VGS- 2015

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 3/26/15 10:38 am - OH

I have not seen the episode yet, but I think you are confusing lymphoma (which is cancer) with lymphedema (which is swelling and disfiguration caused by failure of some type in the lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels).

It drives me nuts, too, when he refers to "skin surgery" when what he is doing is removing 50 pounds of fat and hanging skin!  

14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 3/27/15 1:00 am

Thank you for the I am still learning there are multiple lymph problems.  Working in ICU/NICU did not expose me such pt issues.  I am trying to educate myself as I find this to be such a life- altering issue for so many.

As I have learned the masses are very vascular and it requires sutures and caricaturization of hundreds of vessels during surgery.  To make the situation more challenging for a surgeon, these masses usually contain a lot of fluid.  Sorry for the sorted point is Dr. Now wheres many hats!



VGS- 2015
