Yes, this is kinda nasty but...,

on 3/19/15 12:20 pm

If you are in ketosis you are a fat-burning-machine



VGS- 2015

on 3/19/15 2:57 pm

Well I guess I can deal with the smells then haha! I've lost 22 pounds since sirgery 10 days ago 

on 3/21/15 3:19 pm

Bad breath can be a result of dehydration, food not emptying your pouch well, or the weight loss itself. As with other common problems following weight loss surgery, bad breath may be prevented or resolved by making sure you’re getting adequate liquids. Women should drink at least 48 ounces of fluids a day and men should drink at least 64 ounces of fluids every day. This should be done regardless of whether or not you’re experiencing bad breath. Another explanation for bad breath after weight loss surgery may be that the food you’re eating isn’t emptying out of the smaller stomach pouch quickly enough. A buildup of stomach acids in the pouch may trigger bad breath. Taking an over-the-counter antacid may help in these instances. While weight loss itself may not necessarily cause bad breath, it can lead to a change in your breath’s odor. As you lose weight and your body breaks down the stored fat, by-products called ketones form. These ketones are partially exhaled and can cause what’s known as ketotic breath. While ketotic breath may be disturbing to some people, others describe it as a sweet-smelling odor similar to the smell of Juicy Fruit gum. Adding more protein to your diet may help reduce the effects of ketotic breath without interfering with your weight loss, although some experts actually advise adding a few carbohydrates to your diet to fight ketotic breath. -- i hope this would help! 

on 3/22/15 1:42 am

Sharon, other peoples breath, not mine lol! I can smell the nastiness of other people even after they've just brushed their teeth! I can smell the foul smell mixed with the toothpaste smell 😷

on 3/22/15 2:54 am

Hi Riley,

I'm so sorry if I used the word "you/you're". I didn't mean to offend you sorry. But actually I was generalizing the statement there.  Anyway, I believe that effect of the surgery will come to an end. Let's just wait when they're healed. Take care!

on 3/22/15 3:50 am

Oh no problem! You didn't offend me at all :)

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