Please tell me this is normal HELP!'
About 10 mins ago I was bending over to tie my shoes and a hear this loud pop noise! I immediately jump up and grab my large incision because that's where I felt it at, it felt like it had burst open or something it's fully healed though. so I sit down and stand again and I notice that the incision is no longer dented in now I'm having a full on panic attack shaking trying to dial my surgeons number just to be told when we contact him he will call you! I'm over hear scared to death that I busted something I'm about to call an ambulance. I'm not having any pain or nothing abnormal I'm waiting on the surgeon to call please tells me if I should go to the ER or is that suppose to happen or has it happened to you!!
You're fine! Calm down. I had the same thing happen- minus losing the dent. I had a sharp pain in that spot while at the grocery store- so sharp I screamed and almost fell on the floor. I was absolutely ok, but scared. It happened a couple more times but none recently. It's all just part of healing. I'm sure you're fine! Speak to the doc when he calls you back, but I think it's all good!
Ok I'm going to leave this up for any new vsg'ers just in case it happens to you, keep calm and don't panic lol after 3-4 weeks the stich the surgeon puts in the large incision starts to desolate and you might hear a loud popping noise again DONT PANIC! As long as there is no nausea,vomiting or uncontrollable pain your ok!!
I had something similar happen a long time ago with an abdominal surgery and I was really unnerved by it too. Glad it wasn't anything serious. Our bodies are amazing and will do all they can to heal. We just need to let them and that's the hardest part, giving them the time to heal.

Highest weight 208 in 2008 ** VSG 11/27/15 weight 193 ** Current weight 128 ** Goal weight range 100 -110 ** Height - 4'11" ** Age - 49