surrgery for extra skin
Occasionally. The deal with Medicare is that they do NOT pre-approve for ANYTHING. Most plastic surgeons require you to sign a form stating that if Medicare doesn't pay, you will. However, most surgeons who've been at it a while, and who are ethical, can pretty much tell you up front whether your situation meets Medicare's requirements. They have certain things a panni much meet in order to be covered, like it must hang down a certain distance, etc., but they almost NEVER pay for thighs or arms. Oh, breast reductions are sometimes covered if there's back pain involved, but I don't know wbout breast lifts, and you can forget augmentation.
As an alternative, if you don't enjoy hustling with insurance companies over what's going to be picked up and what not, you can consider retaining a patient advocate. They will negotiate a price down for you for the excess skin treatment/surgery. The best patient advocacy programs I know is included in MySimpleCard.