First appointment approaching

on 3/12/15 3:47 pm - CA
RNY on 04/14/15

You are doing the right thing. Focus on you and getting healthy and things will fall into place. I have read several posts of people whose spouse's and significant others were not supportive and it ended the relationship. I've been married 25 years and my husband is very supportive. He knows I did not come to this decision lightly. I've read that some are afraid that if their partner loses the weight then they won't have anything in common, especially if activities and social events revolved around found. Yes I anticipate my relationship with food will change I'll need to find alternative coping skills for stress and boredom. I found a few tips on OH that I'm going to try. There is a forum for WLS spouses that might help you help your boyfriend feel more comfortable and might give you some insight into how he is feeling.

What are the requirements from your surgeon's office? Some require a percentage of weight loss before surgery. I became the squeaky wheel. I didn't want to go to the bottom of the pile. Check in with them to make sure they are moving things forward. I'm still waiting for my date. Probably the first or second week of April. Keeping my fingers crossed I'll know for sure in the next week or so.


Carpe Diem!

Height: 5'5"  HW: 237 SW: 237 CW:138 GW: 134   M1: -31  M2: -14  M3:-12  M4: -10  M5: -10  M6: -5 M7: -4 M8: -5 M9: -5 M10: -2 M11: M12: -1




on 3/12/15 11:57 pm - Rocky Point, NC

I do not know what the specifics for my case will be yet. My consultation is on Wednesday next week where I will get details. Except for whatever current testing they may need done though I have done everything that I see as requirements already so hopefully this will be a smooth process. My boyfriend does not have a weight problem at all he is fit and theres probably more fat in my pinky toe then he has in his whole body. He LOVES food though, hes one of those people who can eat a bunch of crap then go to sleep and lose 2 pounds :( The next couple of months and years are going to be quite interesting. It feels like the first book in a new volume of my life.
