Advice Needed....

on 3/4/15 12:02 am

Good morning! I had my ban placed in 2/2008. I lost over 100lbs the first year and kept it off for the next 2 years. That's when everything fell apart. I started gaining weight with no changes to my eating habits. I was having trouble swallowing, felt like I always had more to go down. Some days getting a sip of water down took multiple swallows. My GYN suggested I had a thyroid issues but all the labs were "normal". So, when I went to see my lap-band doctor for a fill I mentioned the swallowing to him and he did a neck exam and felt a lump. He referred me on from there and within 2 months I was in surgery to remove my thyroid due to thyroid cancer. By this time I had gained almost 50lbs back, again with no changes in diet habits. Trying to get back on track has been so hard. I joked often about getting the only cancer that makes you gain weight but inside I was crying all the time. I had worked so hard to get the weight off and hated who I was becoming. I had finally made it to a point where doctors listened to my problems instead of immediately pointing to my weight as the problem. Needless to say, here I am in the 5th year following the thyroid surgery and I am back to my pre-surgery weight. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), both of which cause me a lot of joint pain. I have attempted to just start a exercise routine and a 5 minute ride on my recumbent bike has me down due to pain and fatigue for the next few days. It is so hard. I had a lot of fluid taken out of my band last year because I have a hiatal hernia and we hoped that this would allow the stomach to calm down and the hernia fix itself. Now, I am yet again in the doctors offices. I still have a hernia and also now have high cholesterol and a fatty liver. I am not keeping much down these days but the weight still goes up. I have several doctors and take several medications for scleroderma that cause liver damage so I am tested every 1-3 months, depending on previous counts. I need to be healthier because a I plan on being around to see my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I need to want to get out of bed each morning and go to work. I need to want to do things, active things, with my family. My husband is great and treats me like he always has, no matter my size. I am the problem. I hate myself for getting back this point. I still remember the first time I made it below the 200lbs mark. I cried and called all my sisters and our mom. We all cried together. Now, they all feel sorry for me. I show up and they offer to get me things like I can't walk. I know they don't mean it that way and are just trying to limit my pain but it still hurts. It hurts because I know they feel the same way about me as I do. I struggle to do anything, even a short walk to the copier at work makes me short of breath and weak. I am looking for advice from anyone out there on my options. Do I just keep struggling and hope things get better? Do I see about getting the lap-band removed? Do I look into another surgery to help with the weight? I forgot to mention, I have GERD really bad and they say it is causing my problems with sinus infections and a dry cough I have had for almost 2 years now (I do not smoke.). Sorry to go on so long. I appreciate advice from a group where we all have something in common. I think it is the most honest advice you can find. I hope you all have a great day.


Cathy W.
on 3/4/15 1:27 am

I'm glad that you found out about the thyroid cancer so you could get that taken care of asap.  

Lots of your questions need to be discussed with your bariatric surgeon that did your Band.  The other health issues you're having have a high chance of improving with weight loss, especially your joint pain.  I suggest that you talk with your surgeon as to whether he/she recommends re-filling your band or revision to another procedure would be best for you given the other health issues going on.

You can check out the Revision board, and read/post on the surgical boards as well (DS, RNY, VSG and Lapband).  The more educated you are the better.  You'll go in the appointment with your surgeon having an idea of what you want.  I don't think you should just continue to suffer.  Become your own health advocate so your health improves and you're able to enjoy your life and family.

You lost weight before and you can do it again.  You had some major health issues come up that hijacked your surgery and weight loss. 

Support and best of healthy wishes to you...


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 3/4/15 5:10 am - Vancouver, WA

You need the band out as soon as possible and another surgery probably RNY because with the severe GERD and fibro you want to avoid anything that is going to cause increased pressure to the esophagus. If your band isn't empty yet that is the first thing you must do to lower the pressure on your esophagus which is probably causing the GERD. A hernia does not fix itself it has to be surgically repaired. Now if it was a slip with your band that sometimes repairs itself but rarely stays that way. You should never have a band with fibro because it increases inflammation thru out the whole body which makes the band more irritating. The band also should not be put in people who have otherr auto immune issues. Yes the constant GED is made worse by the band and that in turn irritates the sinuses and throat. Please for you sake get that thing out and revise to a different surgery preferably the RNY because it doesn't put the intense pressure on your esophagus. All of these issues are from the band!
