Slow Weight Loss

on 3/3/15 8:47 am

I'm almost 6 weeks out and have only lost 19 lbs. Is this normal? Shouldn't it be more? I exercised every morning should I be doing more? I feel like I'm not doing something right. I'm eating what's on my list and nothing else. My HW 454 lbs. SW 391 lbs. CW 372 lbs. I'm worried I'm failing. 

on 3/3/15 11:39 am - WI

It's hard to say without a detailed list of what you are eating and how much.  Are you weighing and measuring everything you eat?   Are you following the recommended amounts to eat from your surgeon's plan or are you eating until you feel "full" (which you should NOT be doing)?  Are you getting all your fluids in (at least 64 ounces)?   Are you eating lean meats and veggies and staying away from starchy, processed carbs like pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, cereal, etc? Are you getting at least 60 grams of protein daily?  We need a little more info.

If you are doing everything right and not over-eating then you might just be a slow loser.  Just keep working your program and the weight will come off.  If you are straying from your surgeon's recommendations, you need to get back on the plan.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 3/3/15 12:00 pm

Breakfast consists of one scrambled egg w/salsa. Lunch is 1/4c Tuna w/ 3 crackers. Dinner is Deli Turkey and steamed cauliflower. NOt eating breads, pastas, rice, potatoes or anything like that. Drinking 56 oz of water, green tea or crystal light (not the whole packet at once). I haven't gone past 56 oz because I have a water restriction. I'm only able to eat like two teaspoons of food at each meal. I can't do fruit my pouch doesn't like it. My pouch doesn't like yogurt either. Guess I'm just a slow loser. Thanks for replying. All these foods are on my available food list for 5 and 6 weeks out. 

on 3/3/15 9:59 pm
RNY on 09/26/14

Sounds like you've probably been in a stall. I guess a 3rd week stall is normal, even expected. I plateaued for about 3 weeks. Honestly, it sucks but you will lose again. My doctor said to think of a graph of your weight loss as looking like stairs, not a hill. I remind myself of that every time I weigh!

on 3/4/15 6:28 am

I don't think you are getting enough protein and fluids. You should be between 80-100gms of protein and 64+ oz of water a day. Why are you taking up room in your pouch with carbs?  Where are your shakes?  Fruit shouldn't even be a consideration now. Protein protein protein and liquids. Water is the best fluid of all. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 3/4/15 7:22 am

I had RNY. I have water restrictions which is why I don't go beyond 56 ozs. What carbs am I eating? I don't see where you are getting that. Do you know something I don't? Where are they? I didn't know I was eating them. I thought I was being careful not too. Can you point them out to me? Maybe this is what's getting in my way. I eat only what my NUT says I can eat at this time. With what I am eating how can I get that much protein? I wasn't told I could have shakes. when would I have them? Is that considered in the water intake daily? Fruit is on my list to have. 

on 3/4/15 7:43 am

Your crackers have carbs in them, your green tea might as well. Check the label. Try some clear protein drinks like isopure zero or nectar to help get your protein in without added carbohydrates.

on 3/4/15 7:50 am

Ok THanks. I'll be more aware of that. I suppose I didn't understand my NUT when she said I could have what was on the list and nothing else. She must have thought I already knew I needed to get more protein in from supplements. I have my first post op visit with her tomorrow. Maybe she can shed some light on this. Thanks for your input. I truly appreciate it. I was wondering how I was going to get in all that protein eating just what was on the list. Maybe I need an extended visit. I have a lot of questions now. After eating the protein which I always eat first I don't have much room for anything else. 

on 3/4/15 7:46 am

First I dont understand what you mean "water restrictions". Who is restricting your fluid intake and what reason are they giving for doing this.  Salsa, crackers and vegetables are carbs. If you can't get in all your protein now, then you need to stop everything else to get that in. If you can't eat 90 grams of protein, then you should be supplementing with a good 100% whey protein shakes. Nectar syntax is good brand, you also can go to Costco and get a case of their ready to drink shakes. The Vitamin Shoppe can also has an excellent protein, Gold Standard Whey. Yes you can have shakes. If you don't get in your protein you won't lose.  If you don't get in your fluid you won't lose. Protein shakes are not considered part of your fluid intake. Fruit should be reserved until you are farther out.  It is pure carbs. Remember your body burns carbs before it burns your own fat. Cut the carbs and your body will rely on its own resources for energy. Fat. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 3/4/15 7:59 am

I have Congestive Heart Failure. My body retains water because one side of my heart doesn't pump as fast as the other and fluids don't move throughout my body as fast as others. Therefore I was told by my cardiologist and surgeon to not drink more than 56 oz at this time. I have my first post op visit with my NUT tomorrow so I will bring all this up with her then. I have a dozen questions now. I've been doing this all wrong and thought I was doing what she told me. She said follow what's on the list and you'll do fine. Guess I misunderstood thator she thought I knew better. I'm very slow.  Thank you. 
