48 hours after surgery!
Hello! I'm 48 hours after my sleeve surgery. I using the full arsenal I've been offered, pain meds, topical analgesia, High protein drinks etc. Im walking a good deal. Doing the best I can.....My incisions hurt pretty major. I seem exhausted....which is NOT ME in anyway. Whenl will the fatigue subside? When will these incisions stop hurting? AND....looks like I'm GAINING weight....let me say that again..... GANING weight. Please share with me what you know! Thank you!
You just had surgery and only started with your recuperation. Give yourself time and patience. You aren't gaining weight - you're recuperating from just having surgery 48 hours ago.
Follow your surgeon's program and you'll lose and see the benefits of your WLS.
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Alright, shorty - welcome to the loser's bench Now take a deep breath and relax....
1. Be gentle with yourself, you just had major surgery! For most people the fatigue passes in 2-4 weeks.
2. Incision pain should subside fairly quickly. You'll stlil "feel" it in your muscles where they used spreaders but you'll be fine.
3. And of course it looks like you gained weight - they pump a TON of fluid into doing surgery and it shows up on the scale. The weight gain on the scale is NOT fat. Let me repeat that again: IT IS NOT FAT! It is simply water and will quickly go away the more you drink and move around as you're able.
My doctor told me to expect the fatigue for about 10 days or so. I also looked like I had gained weight, but as the pp mentioned it is from surgery! Do not panic. Sip, rest, walk and sip some more. This is the advice that has been given to me and it has helped a lot. My incisions have stopped hurting but are still tender if I lay on them. I am 8-9 days post op. The first week in my opinion was so far the worst but things will get better! Congrats on surgery!!

5'1 Consult: 227 HW: 232 SW:212 CW:131 GW: 120 Pant size start: 18/20 Current: size 6/8
M1: 195 (-17) M2: 184.6 (-10.4) M3: 176.6 (-8) M4: 168.2 (-8.4) M5: 160 (-8.2) M6: 155.4 (-4.6) M7: 145.6 (-9.8) M8: 141 (-4.6) M9: 137 (-4) M10: 135.8 (-1.2) M11: 135 (-.8) M12: 131 (-4) M13: (-0) M14: (-0) M15: (-0)
Have stopped losing pounds but am losing inches!
Hi Shorty,
As others have said - the weight gain is experienced by MANY. I gained 10 pounds from the morning of my surgery until 3 days after. I had my surgery 9 days ago. I can honestly tell you - "WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WEEK MAKES". I would not have believed I would be feeling as good as I do 9 days after surgery. I still have some pain in the big incision where my stomach was removed (in my case on my right side). They have been itchy, which I hope means they are healing. One thing I can say is MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR FLUIDS in! That has been one of the hardest parts for me. It really does get better! Be kind to your body. Honor it, if its asking for rest, take a nap. This surgery is a trauma to the body. It is one worth enduring for the long run, but let yourself heal! Best of luck to you! Keep reading the posts here, you will learn so much! Jen