Surgery at ten in the morning!!!!! Scared out of my mind!

on 3/3/15 12:25 pm

Been there and right there with you. Will be thinking about you tomorrow. Let us know how you're doing xo../deb

...I am fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world


on 3/3/15 1:47 pm
VSG on 03/09/15

My surgery is Monday March 9!  I think inside my mind is saying many of the same things.  I know I am.  But since I started with the surgeon I have lost close to 65 pounds.  I am nearly off my blood pressure meds (started at 20mg down to 5mg).  I am already a younger feeling version of myself.  I forever want to feel the joy of going to the closet and grabbing and outfit and having it fit.  Before I would have pile after pile of clothes that didn't fit yet I kept trying them on everytime I had to go somewhere.  I would stay home because my legs hurt too bad.

I found out Sunday I will be a grandma for the 2nd time.  I want to live to see that baby grow up.  I remember a year and a half ago when our first grandchild was born it was all I could do to walk to the hospital from the parking lot. I was huffing and puffing and the photos of me holding our granddaughter should have been enough then to give me the kick in the pants I needed but it wasn't.  It took a funeral to see members of my family giving themselves shots before they could eat.  Watching them waddle around and talk about heart problems the diabetes and on and on.  That was my future.  Thanks to my mom who previously didn't agree with WLS to rethink her stance on the issue.  Even my husband who was against it saw that the path I was on was to a casket. I am telling myself I will have to treat some foods like they are alcohol to an alcoholic.  Somethings I know I will just have to avoid. 

I have tried the diets and yes right now the pill (Adipex is working like magic) but I am to the limit I can't take it any longer.

We are planning our first vacation in 10 years this summer because I plan to be able to walk well enough to keep up with the family. I have to do this for me, for my family.  I have wasted so many years because of my weight.  I won't live forever. I don't think I can put it off any longer.

When I first went to the Dr. I thought how soon can you schedule me.  Then the longer it's been the more the little voices in my head start second guessing.  Those voices sure haven't helped me in the past. 

Best of luck to you.  Please keep us posted how surgery goes.

