Struggle with clothes...
I can alter mine about a size or two and then - it's time for new - either from the back of my closet or a store. Best of luck to all.
I agree with you, I have clothes in my closet barely worn, but some are sizes I'm coming down to now. So at least I can wear them for a bit on my "weigh" (hee-hee) down. I will give some to my dad who is a big guy *****fuses to have surgery, many of the dress clothes I will donate to a local shelter so homeless/down on their luck men can have nice clothes for job interviews, the rest I will give to whichever charity I decide will use them best. I won't sell/consign them because I've been incredibly fortunate in life (other than my weight), so why not try and pay it forward and possibly make a difference in someone else's life? Makes me feel good twice about losing weight - sounds sappy but hey.....
on 3/3/15 11:28 am
I have a few things I will be sad to give away. One is a sweater I am wearing right now! I assume that, like other things, soon it will just hang wrong and make me feel like I look yucky. But I like it so much I am thinking of buying it in a smaller size, if I can find it. But how to know what size to buy? I think most things, though, remind me of feeling fat, so it is like I have a vomit feeling toward them now. Yes, I wrote "vomit feeling." And who wants to wear vomit, even expensive vomit?
As for the seeing $$$$$ question: I do see that. I have seen that as I have cleaned out my closet, too, because I have had to spend a lot of money to get nice-looking clothing in large sizes. More than the money, though, I see TIME--all the time I had to spend to find something that actually looked good. And I have a little fear: what if I can't dress my new body well? That is a silly fear, of course, but it is the fear of the unknown. That is why it is hard to let the known things go.