Just A warning i wished i received before i lost my mother in law

on 2/28/15 4:58 pm

On February 19, 2015 my mother in law passed away due to a botched gastric bypass. Her doctors name is Dr. Haddnott in Ocala, Fl. Please for all of you reading this be careful who you choose to do your surgery. My mother in law attempted to get a gastric bypass from another doctor and when they opened her up they closed her back because the doctor felt the surgery would kill her. Dissatisfied by that she went doctor shopping until she found this butcher to do it. He did her surgery on December 15th. She had a heart attack two days later. Then he let her go home in spite of the heart attack and possible stroke she had while recovering from surgery. Once home she was delusional and didnt know where she was. She refused to eat. Her incision started to ooze pus. My father in law tried for four days to reach this man to get antibiotics for her but no one called back. Seems this doctor went on vacation and didnt have an answering service. Frustrated they went back to the hospital on January 3. Little we knew then that she would never come home again. She went septic and had to have emergency surgery to open her back up and remove the dead tissue and the bulk of the infection. She was left with her stomach open to heal from the inside out. They put a feeding tube in at that time. She was in the hospital for two weeks then was transferred to a long term hospital. She continued to get weaker and was unable to do any kind of therapy. Her kidneys started to shut down and her wound would not heal. Then she was moved to the ICU in the long term hospital. Thats when the hospice conversation happened. She died four hours after being moved to the hospice house.

This doctor promised her that her CHF, COPD, fatty cirrhosis, and diabetes would go away and she would majicly be all better. I really hope this doctor enjoys the money he made off of her surgery. He killed her instead of walking away from her. Now all we have are the memories of her suffering and drowning in her own fluids before god sought fit to take her home. Do your research before you let anyone cut you open. No one should have to die because of this

Gina 22 years out
on 3/2/15 3:55 am - Burleson, TX

If your post is for REAL, and I have my doubts, you, and your family have my sincerest sympathy...

But....there are too many weird holes in your "story"...Are you, perhaps, someone who is angry at Dr. HODDINOTT (I googled him), and are a smear campaign? From what I read, on 3 different sites, this physician has been practicing 20+ years, and has no "marks" against his license, in the state of Florida. As a 35+ career nurse, I'm having trouble believing ANY surgeon would take on a patient that a previous surgeon "closed back up", because that pt was inoperable. Also, NO WAY, would an established surgeon, in an established hospital, do an elective surgery without cardiac clearance, etc. Did your MIL have it? With her CHF, COPD and cirrhosis she would have been a terrible surgical risk--just for the anesthesia--for ANY SURGERY..

Doctors do not "go on vacation", and not have a back up on call. It just doesn't happen.

Again, if you are for real, I am very sorry for your loss. If you are not for real, please consider deleting your post. Not only is it harmful to a physician's reputation...It can scare the crap out of people who are searching/learning, and don't deserve to be scared, by untruths and misinformation.


RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

on 3/2/15 5:28 am

I wish my story wasnt real. I promised this did happen and my family is devastated by her lost. Im a CNA working for hospice of marion so i wouldnt just smear this man for no reason. Ask me all the questions you want i will answer them. This is real.

on 3/2/15 10:44 pm

Actually, Gina, inside the Ds community this surgeon has a TERRIBLE reputation, and has had for as long as I've been on OH.

Gina 22 years out
on 3/2/15 11:54 pm - Burleson, TX

Ms BATT--to be honest, I don't hold that particular Community to be one of "facts", so I didn't even read it...though I absolutely respect everyone's right to their own opinion

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 3/2/15 5:09 am
RNY on 08/05/19
On March 1, 2015 at 12:58 AM Pacific Time, daisymae182000 wrote:

On February 19, 2015 my mother in law passed away due to a botched gastric bypass. Her doctors name is Dr. Haddnott in Ocala, Fl. Please for all of you reading this be careful who you choose to do your surgery. My mother in law attempted to get a gastric bypass from another doctor and when they opened her up they closed her back because the doctor felt the surgery would kill her. Dissatisfied by that she went doctor shopping until she found this butcher to do it. He did her surgery on December 15th. She had a heart attack two days later. Then he let her go home in spite of the heart attack and possible stroke she had while recovering from surgery. Once home she was delusional and didnt know where she was. She refused to eat. Her incision started to ooze pus. My father in law tried for four days to reach this man to get antibiotics for her but no one called back. Seems this doctor went on vacation and didnt have an answering service. Frustrated they went back to the hospital on January 3. Little we knew then that she would never come home again. She went septic and had to have emergency surgery to open her back up and remove the dead tissue and the bulk of the infection. She was left with her stomach open to heal from the inside out. They put a feeding tube in at that time. She was in the hospital for two weeks then was transferred to a long term hospital. She continued to get weaker and was unable to do any kind of therapy. Her kidneys started to shut down and her wound would not heal. Then she was moved to the ICU in the long term hospital. Thats when the hospice conversation happened. She died four hours after being moved to the hospice house.

This doctor promised her that her CHF, COPD, fatty cirrhosis, and diabetes would go away and she would majicly be all better. I really hope this doctor enjoys the money he made off of her surgery. He killed her instead of walking away from her. Now all we have are the memories of her suffering and drowning in her own fluids before god sought fit to take her home. Do your research before you let anyone cut you open. No one should have to die because of this

Condolences on the loss of your mom, that must be rough.

I'm with Gina, though, something seems "off" here. Maybe it's a typo, but most folks have multiple incisionS, were they all in trouble? Was the surgeon gone for 2+ weeks while she was experiencing all of these complications? Surely someone at the hospital would have been in touch with either of the bariatric surgeons.

EVERY surgery has risks, whether it's WLS or knee replacement or having your appendix out. If something like this DOES happen, a patient needs to contact SOMEONE in the hospital, they have patient advocates and social workers for a reason.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 3/2/15 5:23 am

She had an open incision because of scar tissue from previous surgeries. Once she got sick he dropped her case

on 3/2/15 5:24 am

Nothing you have said indicates that she passed away due to the surgery. If this story is true, your family has my sympathies,  but I have my doubts.  Why did you let her lay around the house delusional and oozing puss for 2 weeks before you took her to the hospital? You also indicated that she was told not to have the surgery after she was opened and closed up and she continued to "Dr shop".  There are also several clearances that one must go through prior to surgery. If there was any indications for complications prior they wouldnt have done the surgery. Again, if this is true, you have my sympathies....


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 3/2/15 5:45 am

I didnt just let her lay around. I live an hour and a half away from her and my father in law. My father in law ensured us that everything was ok and when we knew she needed treatment we took her up there to the hospital ourselves. As far as i know she did get her clearance from the doctors, obviously or they wouldnt do it. We told her all along the way not to do it. She was upset thinking we didnt support her. We all knew she wasnt healthy enough for this but she was convinced it would solve all of her problems. What i have read and heard about this doctor was all the same. Hes a butcher. The nurses i work with also have worked MRMC with him and told me the same thing. Now that shes gone and her memorial service is sunday we plan to hire a lawyer. Not for money but to have him disciplined. This was preventable and if my story saves someone else's life then i did my job

on 3/2/15 6:03 am
On March 2, 2015 at 1:45 PM Pacific Time, daisymae182000 wrote:

I didnt just let her lay around. I live an hour and a half away from her and my father in law. My father in law ensured us that everything was ok and when we knew she needed treatment we took her up there to the hospital ourselves. As far as i know she did get her clearance from the doctors, obviously or they wouldnt do it. We told her all along the way not to do it. She was upset thinking we didnt support her. We all knew she wasnt healthy enough for this but she was convinced it would solve all of her problems. What i have read and heard about this doctor was all the same. Hes a butcher. The nurses i work with also have worked MRMC with him and told me the same thing. Now that shes gone and her memorial service is sunday we plan to hire a lawyer. Not for money but to have him disciplined. This was preventable and if my story saves someone else's life then i did my job

Her health was in your FILs hands once she came home.  If she was that sick he should have taken her immediately to the ER. If she had her clearances then she was stable enough for surgery. Whatever happened post op had nothing to do with the surgeon or the operation. I am sorry she had complications but it sounds like she wasn't taken to the hospital fast enough. Nothing indicates the surgeon didn't perform the surgery correctly. I know your upset but lashing out at the doctor is not what you should be doing now. Supporting each other would be a better. There is nothing in that surgeons record to indicate he is a butcher. Just because someone told you something doesn't make it true. They may have a personal grudge against him. My sympathies. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White


