CPAP... Please tell me it gets better
Hi there, I haven't been around here long. Just started all of my surgery requirements last month. One of which was a sleep study. Turns out I have moderate apnea. I picked up my CPAP machine yesterday and used it for the first time last night. I had an awful night's sleep. Woke up and felt like there was way too much pressure. Felt very claustrophobic and like I couldn't really breathe. I ended up taking it off at some point during the night. Checked the sleep report this morning and I only used it a total of an hour and a half. I'm trying to stay positive and hope that it will get better. Anyone have a rough start but end up having a positive experience?
on 2/19/15 1:19 pm
I had a really similar experience: my tests leading up to the WLS included a sleep study, and they found apnea.
I have only been using CPAP for 4 mos now. It does get better, but it is not yet smooth sailing for me. I also have a lot of nights where in my sleep, I pull down the mask to rest on my chin, and I don't realize I have done that for a long time. However, by now I have also had a lot of really really good nights!
One thing to check: does your CPAP machine have a ramp-up feature? This lets you make it so the pressure is not so strong at helps you fall asleep better, and then the stronger flow comes on after you are asleep.
There is a really good sleep apnea forum called CPAPtalk. Lots of veterans with lots of info and help.
Good luck to you! Good luck to me too!

Thank you! My machine is self-adjusting. It starts out at a low pressure and goes up through the night as needed. It doesn't ever go back down though. The tech told me that if I wake feeling like there is too much pressure, reach over and turn it off and then back on. That way it will start back down at the lower pressure setting again. I did do that once or twice last night before I ended up just taking it off.
I'll check out that forum, thanks for the suggestion.
Good luck to you as well. Here is to a better night's sleep!
Do you have a cpap express near you? They will let you try the masks out so you can see if you like them or not. Just a thought.
Don't worry, you will get used to it. I have the face mask as well and for the first couple of weeks, I had the same problem. I would take it off after having on about 5 hours because the pressure was so strong. The reason it ramps up so high is because you are not breathing and it is during full REM sleep when you sleep the deepest. So, it is a blessing in disguise sort of. But, you will acclimate to it in a few more weeks.
I also tried all 3 sizes of the nasal mask that only covers the nose. I liked them ok but they dried out my nasal passages so bad, I went back to the mask. In 2 more months, I will try the nasal pillows but am afraid they will be the same.
I use the nasal pillows and have had great results with them. It wa**** and miss for the first week or so to get my humidity level correct. Some nights I put it too low and was dried out. The next I would raise it but felt I had too much water in the pillows. Once I found my perfect level, the pillows have been great to use.

38 y.o. 5'7" HW 347 SW 332 M1 -22 M2 -18 M3 -19 M4 -9 M5 -18 M6 -11 M7 -13 M8-9 M9 -7 M10 -8 M11 -5 M12 -1 M13 -9 M14 -0
on 2/20/15 2:05 am
I have a tv in my room. I would go in there in the beginning and watch tv and lay in bed and just get used to learning how to breathe with it on and get used to wearing it. I also use a nasal pillow system which I love. I gets better.
"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker
"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White
Yes, it does get better. It just takes some time (and patience). I began using a CPAP seven years ago. At first, I was sure I would never get used to it. I would take it off in the night just as you do. Gradually, I kept it on longer and longer. One thing that helped me was to wear it when not sleeping -- for instance, while watching TV as another person here said. Just put it on each night and worry not about waking up without it. Put it on every night, and one morning you will surprise yourself by waking up with it on!
Now that I've lost almost 70 pounds, I'm scheduled for a sleep study to see if my pressure needs to be adjusted or even if I need to keep using it. I think that, if they say I don't need it any more, it will actually be very hard to give it up!
Just a suggestion. If you still need ask for a tiltration (spelling) CPAP if you are due to get a new one. They self adjust to what pressure you need.