pregnancy after weight loss surgery
Ok I need advice I had the vertical sleeve dine august 7 2014 and I just got a 6 positive pregnancy test my periods have been crazy since November and I'm not sure how far I am exactly I go to Dr tomorrow I have had one pregnancy 10 yes ago but now it's different bc of weight loss surgery wht are they going to do tomorrow will I get an ultrasound to get set due date ??? Any advice will be awesome I've lost over 70 lbs so I've lost more that chart said I would open to all advice ty so much :)
The biggest thing you need to keep in mind is to STAY OUT OF KETOSIS!!! That means that your body needs carbs now for your baby's growth and well-being. The ketones are extremely dangerous to a fetus. Other than that, take extra vitamins to make sure you stay nourished, for the baby will take what it needs from your body and you're left scraping up the crumbs of nutrition left.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes