PCP didn't want to give me a referral for the surgeon

on 2/12/15 11:44 pm, edited 2/12/15 11:44 pm - OH

At least you did get the referral you need.  I would look for a new PCP that will be more supportive of your choice of treatment.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/12/15 11:59 pm - AK
RNY on 02/11/13

This just amazes me and I agree with the others that you will want to find a new PCP who can assist you in reaching and maintaining your goal, not put stumbling blocks in your way. My own PCP was the one who first suggested bariatric surgery, after years of me weeping in her office that despite all my efforts the weight ALWAYS came back and then some.  She was a wonderful partner in helping me to jump thru all the hoops in preparing for surgery, and was just delighted when she saw me several months after surgery to see how I was doing; she is still very encouraging and helpful - and always willing to learn such as when we discuss how bariatrics affect one's daily dietary choices.

It is well worth your time at this point to look into a new doctor or you may have a struggle you don't need, all the way to surgery.  Good luck!


Valerie G.
on 2/13/15 1:54 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Guess what?  You just got fat-shunned by your own PCP.  She will continue to judge you after wls and probably thinks you are taking the easy way out, that you are lazy and have no willpower.  That is what she JUST told you.

So, now you must ask yourself ... do you really want to continue a relationship with a doc who feels this way about you?  Get what you need from her now since you got it, and I would find another doc after you have your surgery.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 2/13/15 2:32 am
Revision on 06/10/14

I went to a doctor for over 10 years.  Had me on every kind of medication there was!!!  He always told me there was no way he would refer me to have WLS.  I changed PCP (just one I picked out of the phone book)...first visit he asked me if I had ever considered WLS.  He took me off a lot of the medication I was on and has worked closely with me ever since I had surgery.  There is supportive ones out there!!

on 2/13/15 3:26 am

Thank you all for your insights on this situation.  At this point in time I don't want to change doctors.  I really like her.  Both my Mom and I go to her and I attend Mom's doctor appointments with her so I want to keep a very good relationship with the doctor.  Her main concern seemed to be that she didn't want to refer me before the six months of supervised weight loss.  She wanted to wait to see how well I would do with it.  But all in all she did give me a referral.  As she said, she had to be really vague because she didn't have anything specific to work with in only one month and a 10 pound weight loss.  She has only been my doctor for 4 years so she doesn't know my long history of battling my weight, so I caught her up to speed.  In the past 4 years my weight has fluctuated between 175-201.  But we have never discussed any specific weight loss issues other than she will tell me at my annual physical that I should make lifestyle changes to lose the excess weight.  And the fact that I am a "light weight" by WLS standards concerns her. In Jan. my BMI was 39.7 and in Feb. it is 38 and I have less than 100 pounds of weight to loose.  I think it would be too early to say she wouldn't support it at all if I plan on doing it, but she isn't on board just yet.  I do think that if she doesn't come around we will have a heart to heart talk about whether or not she wants to keep me as a patient and continue with the good care that I have gotten over the past few years.  Now I am really looking forward to hearing from the surgeon's office to schedule an appointment.  I have about as many questions as I have pounds to lose.

Highest weight 208 in 2008 ** VSG 11/27/15 weight 193 ** Current weight 128 ** Goal weight range 100 -110 ** Height - 4'11" ** Age - 49


Brad Special

on 2/13/15 4:32 am
VSG on 12/06/12

Most of the surgeons make you go an information seminar before they will even see you. Just wanted to let you know that.

on 2/13/15 10:06 am
RNY on 12/30/14

My PCP has told me from the beginning of seeing him in 2008 that I'm overweight and need to lose weight. I have heart issues, bad back, shoulders, hips, and knees from injuries, and this a-hole had the audacity to act like I was just fat and lazy. I finally had a heart to heat with him, where I explained the extent of my injuries one at a time, my capabilities as far as exercise goes, and asked him to put himself in my shoes and ask himself what he would do. He finally he came around. At my last appointment this past Monday I was expressing to him how happy I am with my 70lbs loss of weight. Rather than tell me I'm doing good, keep up the good work, he just said, you're not going to stop now are you? Because you've got a long way to go! My goal is 64lbs away.  I'm over half way there. You'd think he would have been more supportive. Especially when I told him I have been able to get out and walk now that the weight is coming off. It's as though they think this is the easy way out. 

I have to keep telling myself that he is just a little pip-squeek that has no clue what it is like to be fat, and no idea what pain is either. One day he is going to say something to someone and they will give it to him with both barrels. I only gave him one barrel with bird shot in it.



on 2/13/15 1:06 pm

I went to an endocrinologist and got my referral.  Because Diabetes II is such a problem for the MO (me), the specialist had no problem with the RNY, and I was referred immediately.

Get a doctor who understands the impact and importance of bariatric surgery.

on 2/13/15 1:57 pm - Medina, OH

The Doctor works for you not the other way around, not happy with your employee?  Get a new one.

Pre Op: 415  SW: 390  Goal: 235 CW: 225

on 2/13/15 7:14 pm - Sacramento , CA
VSG on 02/18/15

I had major resistance from my PCP it was so awful because I was so desperate and she just didn't feel my pain, after months of supervised weight loss and begging, she finally gave it to me! That was in August and here I am no scheduled for surgery on the 18th. So fast forward my Pcp has been really supportive through the process ever since. So good thing for you is that you got it! Just sucks when you feel like the person in charge of your health dosent care. 

HW: 465lbs SW: 387lbs CW:??? GW:175

