Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Regina M.
on 2/13/15 9:09 pm

Bub and I have been on liquids since Friday, February 6th. I've lost 10 lbs. Bub has lost 16 lbs. Our surgery's are scheduled for Monday, February 16th. He goes first at 9:30 and I follow at 12:00. It's been a difficult time trying to come to terms with saying goodbye to food and its role in my life up to this point. Many of you know what I'm talking about. Over the last couple of weeks I've found myself actually "grieving" over the memories of binging and the comfort it brought to me. A simple road trip would get me excited not so much for the trip but for the possibility that we would be going out to eat (Golden Corral; KFC). But, if I were completely honest right now, I can't deny how great I've felt since giving up the carbs, cutting the sugar and not feeling stuffed to the gills all the time. The energy and frame of mind has been AWESOME! I've been angry that I had to go to such major lengths to take control of this addiction. I've grieved because I understand the changes that will come as a result of my WLS. Now it's time to let myself come to terms and look forward to a new way of life. Knowing too that I will be walking this journey with the love of my life and best friend means so much. I love you honey. This is the best Valentine's gift we could possibly give to one another. Happy Valentines Day!

Cathy W.
on 2/14/15 2:26 am

You're grieving right now but you'll be celebrating your surgery, weight loss and improved health.  You're already feeling the benefits of cutting sugar (HUGE one to give up), carbs and not stuffed.  Lots more benefits are ahead of you and Bub.

Happy Valentines Day and upcoming surgery day to you and Bub.


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