Fat Doctor
I haven't seen it, I found his youtube channel.. I'm currently catching up on the vikings but once I am caught up I'll check it out.. thank you!
I've watched every episode and find myself going back and watching them again. At first I had to turn my head or close my eyes when they showed the actual surgery now it doesn't bother me.
I found this before I had surgery, and I wouldn'****ch, because I didn't want to freak myself out. I think I'll go back and watch it now.
150 lost and maintaining!
I really enjoy this show and found it encouraging as I was making my decision to get the sleeve. Dr. Shaw Somers, the main surgeon they profile, is so compassionate and such a strong advocate for the basic dignity and worth of overweight people. I found it very validating and inspiring. There are also a bunch of episodes on YouTube. Check it out!
I watched it a long time ago but they only had five episodes available at the time. I guess they added more. The ones I watched he was only doing lap band and RNY.
It's a good show! It's interesting how the rnys are all done open on the show- I wonder if it's because of the patients size or the fact it makes for more interesting footage. Sometimes it makes me a little squeamish, esp when the dr is elbow deep pulling out intestines- but it's quite informative! I thought it was neat when in season 1 episode 2 he removed a gallbladder with gallstones- he opened it up and it was just full of these black rocks! Crazy.