regrets after RNY?

Cathy W.
on 2/9/15 10:37 pm

I had RNY in 2001 and have no regrets.  Congratulations on your upcoming surgery.


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on 2/10/15 1:40 am

So I did have some regrets.  I had the surgery the same day as my daughter and do to complications we both had to stay in the hosipital for 5 days.  First month, not being able to eat with my family and could not eat what they were eating with even water being hard to swallow.   I have to say I had RNY on Dec 17th 2014 right before Christmas (because I had two weeks off to recover) and could not eat any of the "normal" holiday treats/meals and mentally was sad I couldn't.  I would try to have soup or scrambled eggs eat too fast and it would come right back up.  I had 'foamies' a couple of times.  I was exhusted for the first month and drinking/vitamins were hard.  I was so sick of protein shakes I almost never want to see one again. And to top it all off - I would lose 2lbs and gain 2lbs the next day as I was weighing myself every day and thought I would drop 10lbs a week.  I had a complete hysterectomy 2 years before and I am on HRT so that might be part of the weight loss slow?  I also had only 101lbs to go (lightweight) so that might be another reason. 

Now beginning month 3 - I feel great.  Have energy to do things I would never have done before.  I don't crave pizza, chocolate or fast food at all.  Have not had a diet soda in 3 months and the weight although slow - is coming off and I am down 33lbs as of this morning and my daughter is down 40lbs.  I can eat anything I want to in small bites after chewing a lot but I find I crave protein, salad and veggies.  The hardest part for me now is remembering to eat because nothing really sounds fantastic (maybe because my body wants good things and not junk).  But I am doing really well now and feel like I am on the upswing getting better every day.

I am not going to tell you this wasn't hard because for me it was in the begging and I asked myself several times - why did you do this?  I am not there now and am coming in to feeling this was the best decision I have ever done.  No matter which surgery you have I would write down why you are having surgery (all the health issues) and when things are hard - read your list.  It is worth it in the end but sometimes your head will tell you the negative.  To lose 30lbs in 3 months and realize I will never see that weight again if I stick to my new life - is AMAZING! 

RNY December 17, 2014 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat

on 2/10/15 5:11 am

Well, thank you very much for your story and information Pam. Glad you are feeling great now and craving healthy food.  Pizza is my fave and I hope I too crave the healthy stuff.  I love all food really! lol.  Thanks also for the suggestion about writing a list of reason why I am doing this and to look at in those not so feel good moments.  Appreciate your feedback!

on 2/10/15 2:05 am

I did have a moment's regret--once--when I was watching something about a food I used to pig out on. Since I'd no possibility of reversing my decision, I just made myself stop thinking about it and got on with it.

The most important thing you have to consider is this:

What is most important to you--your past food intake or your future health?  



on 2/10/15 5:13 am

Yes, thanks MickeyDee.  You're question hits home.  Although the thought of never enjoying "a lot" of food again makes me wonder if I can do it, I know the change will be so much for the better.  Keep eyes looking forward!

on 2/10/15 6:57 am

So it's the QUANTITY of the food, not the QUALITY???  Good grief, woman, check your internal compass.

Han Shot First
on 2/10/15 5:13 am - Flint, MI
RNY on 10/06/14

The first six weeks after surgery was tough.  After that, it got much easier.  I have no regrets, except not getting it done 7-8 years ago when I first considered it.


150 lost and maintaining!

on 2/10/15 5:14 am

Ok, thanks Wc!

Valerie G.
on 2/11/15 12:27 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

If you REALLY want to know this, there are other  boards in this community that you should browse:

WLS Regrets

WLS Revisions

Failed WLS

WLS Complications

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 2/11/15 5:22 am

Thanks Valerie....I guess I need to search here a little more. Very helpful! Thank you!

