Restless Leg Syndrome

on 2/8/15 4:46 am

I used to have that a lot, and I never found anything that helped. However, I haven't had any trouble with it for several years now, since I was about 2 years after my DS.

Now, I DON'T think  my DS cured it. I DO think that my DS caused me to focus on my general nutritional status---eating plenty of protein, drinking plenty of water, and taking various vitamins and mineral supplements four times a day. Have you had any baseline labs run yet? If not, I suggest you talk to your surgeon ASAP and get them done. You need them before WLs anyway, and if you're deficient in anything, pre-op is the time to be working on that.

on 2/8/15 7:51 am
VSG on 07/06/15

My blood work was done back in December. I did ask and nothing was out of the ordinary. 

on 2/8/15 8:08 am
On February 8, 2015 at 3:51 PM Pacific Time, ChubbyHubby82 wrote:

My blood work was done back in December. I did ask and nothing was out of the ordinary. 

Normal means SQUAT. You could be at the bottom end of "normal" as in right on the low and still be "normal". Get a hard copy of your labs, and see what they were FOR YOURSELF. Doctors will not tell you if you are low normal or high normal, just out of range.

Ferritin does not need to be below 50 AND/OR Iron Sat % below 30. Below that on either one is still normal BUT can cause RLS.
Normal ferritin is 15 to 155, MINE was 26
Normal iron sat % is 15-55. Mine was 24%

ALL values in NORMAL range and I still had RLS.

My ferritin was below 50 AND my iron sat % was below 30% BUT STILL NORMAL.

Iron infusions relieved my RLS. If it comes back, it's time for another infusion cause I am anemic.


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 2/8/15 7:56 pm
VSG on 07/06/15

They did not perform any labs for iron levels and I just looked over my lab results. My pcp tells me when I am in the middle of normal, high normal, or low normal. I have a very good relationship with my pcp and developing a good one with my surgeon.  I will be asking about having an iron labs run. 

on 2/8/15 10:58 pm

What about Vitamin D, magnesium, potassium?  Zinc? There are a lot of things that could be causing this, and a lot of surgeons never even test for them. (And since they didn't test your iron, I'm betting there are a lot of other things they didn't test for, either.)

on 2/8/15 6:42 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On February 8, 2015 at 1:57 AM Pacific Time, ChubbyHubby82 wrote:

Yes, it is 4:35AM and I am posting this. I have tried stretches, avoiding caffeine prescription meds, and now I am turning to you. Do you have problems with RLS? If you do, what are you doing to help alleviate the symptoms?

I had it preop and I still have it post op. My pulmonologist prescribes me 

Cinemet for it. Generic is carbodopa/levodopa. It is actually a med that helps with the tremors in Parkinson's disease but has also been found to help with RLS. I won't miss a night without it. Makes a huge difference for me. Ask your pcp or sleep dr about it if you have one. 

The generic is dirt cheap.




on 2/8/15 7:51 am
VSG on 07/06/15

Definitely will be asking about this...

on 2/8/15 10:18 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

it is awesome. My dr said take one right before you turn out the light to go to sleep. He said I could take another a few hours later,if I needed it. 

Early on I needed to take one and then another later. As time has gone on,I now take one and that usually does me. 

Hope it works for you too. 




on 2/8/15 8:24 am - Saint Cloud, FL
VSG on 03/08/07 with

Just a thought for you. My ferritin level was 4.  I just had 3 iron infusion last week.  One on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  I haven't had to take my medication since Friday.  I am so excited.  I know that my level is still low, but I don't know exactly where it is.  I go to the Dr. on Wednesday and hope that I will still be able to get a few more infusions.  It has truly made such a huge difference.  Hope this helps.  

on 2/11/15 12:00 am
VSG on 03/09/15

I have had RLS for at least 16 years maybe longer.  I take  3 mg requip before I go to bed.  It usually knocks me me out.  I can't sleep without it. I have had all the blood tests and so far nothing has turned up.  My legs usually are ok for the most part during the day but not always, but after say 5  o'clock or 6 of I sit in a car or a very hard chair like for a meeting I get very fidgety.  I am to the point where my Dr has prescribed a 1 mg Requip pill for day time so when I am riding in a car to relax my legs. My 45 pound weight loss has had no effect on it.  Drove and hour and half to see the Dr and was fine.  On the way home we stopped for lunch I had to take a pill I could barely stand to sit in the car and I was driving.  My right leg is worse than my left.  I did have my Sleep Dr tell me that any anti depressant makes RLS worse.  I of course take and anti-depressant.  This will sound very odd but I had someone recommend Skele toe shoes.  They look like gloves for your feet.  They are so comfortable but they come in such bright colors they make your feet stick out.   As a women with size 13 feet this is not a good way to blend in which is what I prefer to do.  I actually went to a Nascar race (wrecks and all)and set through the whole race without fidgeting.  My husband was amazed.  However he sees the shoes as embarasing so I quit wearing them.  I am gonna be looking into them again even if it is for just riding in a vehicle and driving.  Makes me think it has something to do with my feet.
