Getting fired for having WLS

on 2/4/15 9:38 pm - Lexington, SC
RNY on 03/23/15

My boss informed me yesterday that before I start medical leave I need to clear out my massage room. He plans to hire another therapist and does not want my equipment in the room. I asked him if I was being fired and he said No, my clients would hunt him down if he did that. I thought that was a strange response. I understand that he has to keep his business running and don't blame him for hiring someone else while I'm gone. But, he has been slowly trying to shift my clients to another therapist for a while now. He does not schedule me new appointments and does not re-book the ones I do have. I feel that the writing is on the wall and I will not be working there for much longer. 

on 2/4/15 10:06 pm
RNY on 09/26/14
Cathy W.
on 2/4/15 11:02 pm

When is your surgery?  Are you an employee or an independent contractor?

It seems that as a business owner he is preparing for your medical leave to have your clients receive services in your absence, and cover the business financially.  


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on 2/5/15 5:08 am - Lexington, SC
RNY on 03/23/15

My surgery date has not been set yet. But, I start my pre-op diet February 10th so it will be sometime soon. I'm an independent contractor and my clients belong to me. They are aware that I will be out on medical leave. Lately when they have called to schedule an appointment with me he will book them with the other therapist and not say anything to them. He's being a bit sneaky about the whole thing. I understand him trying to keep his business going but don't cut me off at the knees in order to do so. I know I won't be going back and plan to give my clients my personal info so they can contact me. Massage is a personal thing and most people do not like changing therapists. I specialize in neuromuscular therapy and TMJ dysfunction. Very few people are certified to do what I do. 

on 2/5/15 11:40 am, edited 2/5/15 11:41 am

Well, giving him the benefit of the doubt, it sounds as though you have told him that you will be taking 'medical leave' with no start date and no real end date at this point.

He may not need to know more than that, but you can't fault him for scheduling patients with therapists whose schedule he DOES know.

Clearly, he needs your space during your absence, and it is proper courtesy to have you remove your things, for your protection and his ... And for the comfort of the person using that space in your absence.

It is not his place to tell clients that you are taking a medical leave (you should thank him for rsspecting your medical privacy), and  he must give them their service with someone available.

If you plan to return, and want to go back after your surgery, talk with him ... Tell him that you can't know right now exactly how long your leave will be, but that you want to return, and when you're within2 weeks of coming back, you will let him know .. And will want them to schedule you for part time work for a while, or whatever you are comfortable with.

If you don't plan to go back, have the courtesy to let him know that so he can do what he needs to do.  That way, no hard feelings, no bad word of mouth.


on 2/4/15 11:06 pm

Hard to say at this point. Could be he just needs someone to help out while you are gone after wls, I hear most after having wls take about 2 weeks off work.Kinda like seasonal workers during the Holidays. I didn't know they could hire a different "Therapist" for like seasonal temps while one is away for medical reasons...My Opinion  what you are saying here definitely is a red flag from your boss. How long will you be gone after wls? .. You shouldn't have to clear out anything for a couple of weeks. If it were me and I have been where you are before, I started looking for a new job when I got that red flag feeling. Good Luck.. Wendy

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on 2/5/15 5:18 am - Lexington, SC
RNY on 03/23/15

I'm preparing myself not to return. Even though I don't want to leave, the fact remains that he wants me to clear my stuff out. I've been getting vibes that the other therapist wants my bigger better room and would be happy if I wasn't there. That's fine, as hard as I've tried she's not my favorite person and there are several unethical things she does that kinda bothers me. The atmosphere there has become toxic so it might be best if I get out gracefully. Still sucks though.  

Karen M.
on 2/5/15 5:26 am - Mississauga, Canada

So that this doesn't weigh on your mind as you head into surgery/are recovering, would it be helpful to meet with the owner for a candid discussion about the work situation/expectations/if you actually have a job? It would definitely give you a clear message on where you stand and you wouldn't be stressing about it, wondering what might happen. Just a thought.



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on 2/4/15 11:45 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On February 5, 2015 at 5:38 AM Pacific Time, helionoftroy wrote:

My boss informed me yesterday that before I start medical leave I need to clear out my massage room. He plans to hire another therapist and does not want my equipment in the room. I asked him if I was being fired and he said No, my clients would hunt him down if he did that. I thought that was a strange response. I understand that he has to keep his business running and don't blame him for hiring someone else while I'm gone. But, he has been slowly trying to shift my clients to another therapist for a while now. He does not schedule me new appointments and does not re-book the ones I do have. I feel that the writing is on the wall and I will not be working there for much longer. 

I would say,that though he might not be firing you,he is also not planning to rehire you when you get ready to return. If you are an independent contractor with him,I am not sure there is anything you can do about it. 




Valerie G.
on 2/5/15 12:10 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

I don't see you getting fired for having surgery and nothing indicating such.  Seriously, it makes business sense what he's doing.  He wants the clients to get used to different therapists so they fell comfortable in your absence.  You may need more than 2 weeks (I took off 2 months), and imagine the impact to the business if that occurred.  The lights have to stay on, yanno, and in a service environment, if the customers aren't happy, they leave, and he doesn't want that.  His best move is to be as prepared as possible so that the clients feel no impact of your absence at all.

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